Friday, December 2, 2016


This is your card reading for Friday, December 2nd/16.  Your card today propelled out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Rejuvenated', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"The Rejuvenation card is symbolically the same as the calm after a storm---when the clouds have parted and the air is fresh and crisp.  You are about to move into a place of calm within your own life.  This is rejuvenation of both the heart and the inner spirit.
Life certainly has its ups and downs.  You are about to embark on the up cycle for a while. During this time, you will be able to experience a sense of ease within your life.  You may even feel that for once, everything is right in your world.  The normal stresses of the everyday will not seem so stressful.  While your life will always have its demands, it will feel easier and more manageable.  You will feel strong within yourself for this upcoming period of time.
During this time of ease, you will find that your sense of feeling good about your life, and who you are as a person, is restored.  It will strengthen your feeling of connection to Source, and of being supported and provided for.  Somehow, the path ahead will seem clearer and easier to follow.
This will also have physical benefits as well.  You will experience being more in sync and in tune with your body.  You may very well find that you have more energy to do things and that your body wants to be active. The harmony you feel in your life will be reflected throughout your physical expression too.
Take advantage of this beautiful experience in every way you can.  Being brave enough to come down here and wear that human skin-suit all these years says you deserve it.  Now it's time to reap the rewards and experience the joy of being a soul incarnated in human form!"

My message for you today is this:
You have likely been feeling as though you have been 'slugging through' certain aspects of your life, recently.  Know that what you have been doing is bringing into clarity just exactly where you want to go, even though it may not have felt this way at times.  Perhaps you have even experienced some sort of 'breakdown', wherein you simply felt in your frustration, "Why am I even bothering with this?"  The answer is, because it is important to you on a SOUL level!  Often, just prior to reaching a point of clarity, we feel very frustrated and even hopeless.  But if we have the tenacity to strive to move forward anyways, the Universe will support us in ways that we couldn't begin to imagine, and we are able to see past the frustration to the potential and possibilities.  
This card presented for you today because you are on the cusp of just that...the 'breakthrough'...the knowing that all that you have gone through was not for nothing.  That it was leading you to this.  To a time when the vision you held feels attainable, if not in the way that you first envisioned.  See past any self-imposed, perceived boundaries and allow yourself to reside now in the energy of rejuvenated by that!  Rest in the 
energy of the knowing that ALL IS WELL, and that the Universe is indeed conspiring in your favour, when you strive to live your life consciously and soulfully. Your dreams for yourself are very real and are acknowledged!  Be invigorated by this and continue on!
Blessed be...

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