Friday, March 18, 2016

Universal Law of Purpose

This is your card reading for Friday, March 18th/16.  Your card dropped out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Purpose', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Purpose states that all life has a purpose.  You are who you are for a purpose, and your individuality serves the whole.  Your existence serves life, whether or not you are consciously aware of how you do so. The Law of Purpose is reminding you that who you are today is perfect and serves a higher purpose.  A common purpose of life is to grow and expand, to become more in quality and quantity.  Part of growing and becoming more is to expand your consciousness and awaken to who you really are:  oneness experiencing individuality.  As an individual, you also have the power to consciously choose a purpose. Perhaps you feel your purpose is to inspire others or heal the environment or be the best parent you can be.  Choose a purpose that serves the whole and you will align with the Universe.  Whatever purpose you choose, hold it in your heart and mind as you go about your day.  Infuse your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your purpose. Hold your purpose in mind as you act, and put the feeling of your purpose in each action.  The Universe will support your purpose with ease, grace, and synchronicity."

My message for you today is this:
We are on the cusp of a powerful weekend, energetically!  Tomorrow, March 19th, will be a 22 Master Day, numerologically (1+9+0+3+2+0+1+6=22).  As Elizabeth Peru states: 
"On a 22-day we are being reminded about the importance of creating a life of great meaning, personal reward, dignity and respect. These days are liberating and allow us to extend and test our wisdom and patience.  This is a day to experience the freedom that comes with having confidence in using your innate talents and abilities."
And...Sunday, March 20th/16, will be Equinox---Spring Equinox, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere.  A day of new beginnings and opportunity.  This...following a 22 Master Day! 
The Universe is asking you today, to be conscious and aware of all of the talents and abilities that you incarnated with in expression of your 'purpose' for being HERE.  Recall that how your 'life purpose' is expressed out into the world throughout the course of your life, will evolve and change.  Also, keep in mind that your 'life purpose' is NOT only what you choose as your is SO much more than that...although, if you strive to be conscious (and courageous); your career path may well be a reflection of your life purpose!   
THE MOST COMMON question clients ask when they come to me for Akashic Records Consultations is 'what is my life purpose'?  This is admirable, because it means that the person is endeavoring to live their life in a conscious way. Yet, I have come to a new understanding about our 'life purpose'. I LOVE the message shared by the author's of this deck for this card: "The Law of Purpose states that all life has a purpose."  I particularly appreciate the phrase: ". . .oneness experiencing individuality."   In essence, you are an expression of the Divine (Oneness), and thereby your PURPOSE is to strive to be the most conscious, authentic, unique, embodiment of that that you can be!  Many of us have this belief that our 'life purpose' is a specific task that we are to undertake or some achievement that we are meant to attain in this lifetime.  In truth, living your life 'on purpose' means to honour all of the Divinely gifted talents and abilities that you incarnated with, in ALL aspects of your life experience, to the best of your ability, at each given moment in time.  Your life purpose is NOT about the destination, but the journey.  Spirit is calling this to your attention today.  Bask in the knowing that your primary purpose in being here is to grow and evolve and to share your innate gifts in a multitude of ways.  You are worthy, and you ARE here 'on purpose'!  How will you embrace that knowing today? 
Blessed be...

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