Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ideas and Inspiration

This is your card reading for Tuesday, March 15th/16.  Your card today floated out of the 'Healing With the Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue (her first published deck, published in 1999). Your card is 'Ideas and Inspiration', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"CARD MEANING:  Pay attention to new thoughts and ideas that come to you.  They are seeds of magnificent co-creations with God...
God speaks to you through your thoughts, and this card shows that the angels want you to notice and follow the ideas you have recently received.  These thoughts are answers to your prayers for guidance, so please don't discount them as mere imagination.
By drawing this card, the angels seek to give you confidence that you are just as capable of receiving wonderful ideas as any other child of God.  That is because all wonderful ideas originate from the one Divine mind of God.  Since God is omnipresent, meaning everywhere, God is within you.  So, God's mind continuously expresses new thoughts and ideas right inside your mind!"

My message for you today is this:
Just imagine how radical this message may have seemed to many when it was first shared by Doreen in 1999!  That GOD would communicate directly with YOU? That GOD is IN YOU?  Many would have deemed that very thought as sacrilegious! (And some still do today). 
Personally, I would rather refer to that which is Divine as 'Source' or 'Creator'; due to the connotations that humanity has placed upon the label 'God'...yet, however you choose to label this beautiful, unconditional Love Divinity, it was seldom referenced that it was part of who we are, in our humanity, at the time that Doreen shared this message.  I honour Doreen as a pioneer of new age thought and understanding that has carried us forward in our personal relationship with the Divine! 
We have grown to the understanding that our Higher Self...our intuitive selves and the guidance that is Divinely provided for us...it not SEPARATE from us.  Rather, it is an integral part of ALL that we are.  We are now in the process of our spiritual development whereby we are striving to integrate and OPERATE in our lives from that place of integration of all aspects of WHO WE ARE.  This means that we are striving to incorporate the Divinity that is part of each and every one of us and to utilize it CONSCIOUSLY as we navigate our way through this physical experience.  Does that mean that we are ALWAYS in our Higher Selves?  That we are ALWAYS exemplifying our embodiment of the Divine in every action that we take on our life paths?  Most certainly not!  Yet, just coming to the place of understanding that we are indeed spiritual Beings having a physical experience, elevates the experience and allows for us to escalate our Soul's development and maturation while we are here.  And you HAVE chosen to be here, during these challenging and exciting times, energetically!  You are NOT here at this time by accident!  Even as you may sometimes ask yourself, 'WHAT was I thinking?' in signing up for THIS, your Soul always holds the knowing that you DID sign up for it!  Because your Soul realized the potential for vast incremental growth being offered you and all of humanity at this time. 
So, dear Soul...honour the messages and 'ideas and inspiration' that are being offered you at this time...even as they may cause you some discomfort!  Creative courage is called for here.  You ARE here to make a difference, and if you feel as though you are a small duck in a large pond, know this:  You may never know the impact that the ripples you create may have.  They are more far-reaching than your Earthly self may comprehend.  So paddle consciously!  Your angels and spiritual advisors---your Higher Self---is reminding you of that today!
Blessed be... 

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