Monday, March 7, 2016

Come to the Edge

It seems that our internet issues have been resolved! Yay!
This is your card reading for Monday, March 7th/16.  Your card today skipped immediately out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Come to the Edge', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  Courage; taking a leap of faith; overcoming fear and accepting risk.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  Facing the unknown is the only choice you really have right now if you want to progress.  It's okay to be afraid.  Now is the time to take a risk that is not calculated--to feel the exhilaration as you ready yourself for a leap of faith.  Spirit is present, so let go of fear.  You are called to express your true self.  Listen to your heart and soul, not your head.  Come to the edge and discover that you can fly. You must step into the familiar so that you may find your miracles.
RELATIONSHIP MESSAGE:  It's scary to be truly intimate with someone, to allow him or her to see all of you, especially the parts that you've kept hidden and protected.  Now is the time to take that risk and let yourself be seen---truly SEEN. It's important that you speak up, voice what you need, state who you are, say what you hope for.  This is not the time to play it safe but to take a leap of faith.  You will be glad you did.  If you're seeking a relationship, the same applies.  Take one step toward the gods and they will deliver what you truly desire.
PROSPERITY MESSAGE:  If ever there was a time for you to take a leap of faith into the unknown, it is now.  This is the perfect moment to take the big risk.  The unknown is the only choice now, and if you come to the edge, you will discover treasure beyond your wildest dreams.  Allow your courage to lead you in spite of your fears.  You don't need to know the exact form of what you're going for.  The essence is much more powerful, and Spirit has a way of delivering an even better version of prosperity than you could imagine.  Take that step.  The results will be amazing.
PROTECTION MESSAGE:  Fear is leading the way into places you don't need to go.  Most of what you fear at the moment is an illusion stemming from an old belief that isn't even true. Now is a time for courage. You will not be lost at sea; you will not watch everyone else get what you want while you are left alone and unloved---oh, the drama of it all!  False evidence appearing real is hovering over you.  The more you dwell in fear, the more real it will become.  Ask yourself, Who in me is afraid?  Love that part of you.  Ask, Is this true and real right now?  The answer most likely, is no. Give yourself a hug.  It's okay to be scared. Courage must be summoned.  In spite of your fear, even when you're not feeling confident, Spirit will always catch you."

My message for you today is this:
If your 'way of being' has been as a 'people pleaser', you have likely been finding that you are no longer completely comfortable in that role. This transition has been happening for some time now. Your Soul has been calling out to you---in fact, pushing you---to honour yourself and your own Truth, rather than to deny that Truth in order to make those around you more comfortable.  This does NOT mean that you have suddenly become this obnoxious, 'self-centered' b*tch!  Although, as you adjust to 'speaking your Truth', you may have been surprised by the aggression with which you expressed yourself, initially---no self-judgment---you are finding your way, here.  When we strive to hold something in, or to stifle ourselves, it sometimes comes bursting out!  As Colette shared in her message for this card, it takes courage to share who we are authentically---we often feel vulnerable in doing so.  Both in our intimate relationships, and in how we express ourselves out into the world...we are being urged to be authentic and to honour who we truly are; as scary as that can feel sometimes. Remember:  We are in the year of Creative Courage, as I have intuited! Tomorrow will be a Super New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse.  Allow this incoming Light to illuminate the 'dark'---those aspects of yourself that you may have kept hidden or protected. Do not allow fear to hold you back from being ALL that you are.  Pay attention to the opportunities and experiences that the Universe presents you with, to stand in your power in an authentic way. Acknowledge any fear you may be experiencing, but don't allow it to cripple you. 'The edge' can be an exciting place to be, when you have faith.  Achieving that which you had not conceived for yourself is exhilarating!
There is a beautiful, and apt quote that would be a great mantra for you today:
"A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself."  ~Unknown~
I would add to that, that you are always supported by Spirit and your Spiritual Advisors, also. You are never in that.
Blessed be...

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