Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Universal Law of Desire

This is your reading for Tuesday, March 29th/16.  Your card today, spun out of the fractal art 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Desire', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Desire states that desire is an inherent quality within all life.  It is the feeling, the spirit and the energy underlying life's intention for growth and expansion.  Life itself desires to increase, expand and create, and to become more in quality and quantity.  Harmonious desire is constructive and one with all life.  Harmonious desire always serves the greater good.  Inharmonious desire, in contrast, is a result of operating as though one is separate from all other life. Inharmonious desire may result from an attempt to serve the individual at the cost of the whole.  Because we are one with all life, we inevitably harm ourselves when we cause harm to any part of the whole, regardless of how far removed from us that harm may seem to be. Inharmonious desire is also the result of seeking externally for an internal experience.  External things, circumstances, and events are desired in the hope that they will create an internal experience, such as happiness or love. Because, at the deepest level, it is always an internal experience that you seek, first create that experience within yourself and the external things, people, circumstances, or events you desire will then be attracted into your life.  If you have pulled this card, the Universe is telling you to feed your constructive desires and watch carefully for inharmonious and destructive desires."

My message for you today is this:
This is the Universe giving you a pep talk!  Even those who appear to be 'living their dream' will tell you that life continues to have it's ups and downs---yet, the downs don't seem to last as long and they don't RESIDE in the 'downs'.  Also...those who are 'living their dream' see the 'down's' as learning opportunities, rather than roadblocks...this is KEY!  There is a quote by Robin Sharma that states: ~"What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny."~  Living a Soulful life does NOT imply that everything is going to happen smoothly all of the time---that is just not realistic here in this physical experience.  Essentially, living your life 'on purpose' and consciously, means to be aware that your perceptions and attitudes about what 'happens to you' is a huge determinant as to what will next happen to you.  Many disappointments or frustrations in life are meant to steer us in a different direction that will serve us even better. Sometimes, what we believe in the moment that we desire, is not a true representation of what our Soul is actually seeking.  
How can we know the difference---if what we desire is fleeting and not Soul-serving, or if it is truly our Soul's desire?  This requires that you take the time to go within and to be honest with yourself about what you are feeling.  When your desire is brought to mind, you can literally feel your heart swell and warm, even if you have not yet achieved that desire.  That 'heart warming' is consistent each time you bring that desire to mind, and especially once you achieve it.  A Soulful desire is really more about situations and circumstances, rather than physical possessions or acquisitions.  Of course, your Soulful desire may entail that you acquire something physical---such as a space from which to offer your healing services, for example---but the underlying DESIRE is to be of service as a healer; it's just that you concurrently desire the space in which to work from in order to be of service in the way that you want to be. It is the fundamental desire to serve as a healer that fuels the manifestation of all that is required to achieve it.  Dwell upon the desire; allow the Universe to conspire in providing the best situations and circumstances being presented; be courageous enough to embrace those opportunities; take conscious action.  The Universe provides the opportunities...be conscious enough to recognize them, and then it is up to YOU what you do with them! 
Today you are being called to focus upon what it is that you Soulfully desire.  Universal energies are truly supporting you in this at this time.  I came to the understanding and conscious awareness some time ago that a heartfelt desire for me in this lifetime is to be a teacher. This desire has been expressed in a myriad of ways throughout my life to this point; in conventional, and not so conventional expressions.  When I am in this role--in whatever capacity--it is joyful for me, and heartwarming, and I feel 'whole'.  What is it in your life that derives this feeling for you?  What can you do to experience that feeling more consistently in your life? The Universe is prodding you to recognize and honor your Soulful desire(s).
As Elizabeth Peru summarizes in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast for today (ElizabethPeru.com):
"~Think positively about your path, so your actions follow.
~When success comes your way today, pause and say, 'Thank you'.
~Become the spokesperson for your soul.
~Talk yourself and your abilities up.  You are deserving."
Blessed be...

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