Thursday, March 3, 2016


Continuing internet problems this week...hopefully we will have it rectified soon!
This is your card reading for Thursday, March 3rd/16---the third day of the third month. Your card today was determined to reveal itself as it virtually flipped out of the deck as I began to shuffle!  Your card is from the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Surfacing', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Every time we allow ourselves to step out beyond our boundaries or find a way to get past our fears, the entire Universe celebrates.  It isn't easy to let the world see us, and Spirit knows this.  But we are here to allow our true expression and to allow the deepest parts of ourselves to rise to the surface---to be seen and shared.  The Surfacing card comes when we are about to face the challenge of stepping up and stepping out into the world.
You could be asked to speak publicly, give a presentation, perform, release a novel, or anything which involves putting yourself 'out there'. Whatever it is that is going to be asked of you will involve shining your soul's light in some way, for others to see.  You might be feeling scared as hell and wanting to run as fast as your legs will carry you.  But this is why the Universe has given you this card today.  Look carefully at the image.  There are hundreds of tiny bubbles rising to the surface.  Take a moment to energetically feel the colours.  There is a lot of joy in there.  This is Spirit's way of reassuring you that this process brings with it much joy and celebration.  This is a part of your soul, doing what it has come here to do.  You just have to get past yourself first.
The Surfacing card can also come if we have been brave and expressed our truth in some way.  It comes if we have shared a part of ourselves, our gifts, or our talents.  Spirit is here to acknowledge you and your bravery.  Every time you allow the expression of your soul, it is a cause for celebration!
There is a whole lot more to you, just below the surface.  These are aspects of yourself which you are not fully conscious of yet.  When the Surfacing card comes, it means that these hidden qualities are about to rise to the surface.  Enjoy this time of self-discovery."

My message for you today is this:
It is not always on 'the big stage' that expressing ourselves from an authentic, 'Soulful' stance has the greatest impact on our lives.  Sometimes, expressing ourselves in this way within the circles of our close family and friends can shift things up dramatically!  This can also be the most difficult arena in which to speak your Truth, as you are make yourself very vulnerable and visible to those who matter the most to you.  It is for this reason that you are being urged to express yourself authentically within this circle so that you may gather then embrace the creative courage necessary in expressing yourself out into the world at large.
I love and appreciate the synchronicity of the guidance that is shared with us from various messengers of Spirit.  In her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast for today, Elizabeth Peru ( shares this:
". . .in March the (3rd of the 3rd) sequence teaches us about overcoming self-doubt as we learn to put ourselves ahead and actually follow through with our creativity and what we love and are good at. . .
Theme of the Day:
Any personal insecurity can be highlighted under today's energy, in order that you may identify what holds you back and work through it to a successful result.
Life Areas to Focus on:  Abundance ~ Self-Worth ~ Creative Ability
Use your innate skills in all that you do today.  Push through any fear that you are not worthy, by proving that you are."
You ARE are are SURFACING...
Blessed be...

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