Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Priorities ~ King Solomon & Ostara ~ Fertility

This is your daily card reading for Tuesday, July 15th/14.  Today I was guided to draw your cards in a way that I have not been guided to before!  I chose the 'Ascended Masters' deck, and when the 'King Solomon ~ Priorities' card flew out of the deck, I was then guided to draw a card from the 'Goddess Guidance' deck to accompany the first card.  The card that also flew out of the 'Goddess Guidance' deck for you was the 'Ostara ~ Fertility' card.  So...one deck led me to another for your reading today!  Although this is not typical, I just TRUST, ALLOW and BELIEVE, when I am guided in such ways!  Both decks are authored by Doreen Virtue, and Doreen's messages for the cards are:
"~Priorities ~ King Solomon~
Devote time to your highest priorities, even if it means getting to bed earlier or later.  this is a wonderful time to work on projects that are near and dear to your heart.  Even if you're confused about how to approach the project, or you fear whether you'll be able to accomplish your dreams, do it anyway.  You'll feel elated by the time and energy you invest into your true priorities because your inner self will feel loved and well cared for.  As you invest in your priorities, you're investing in yourself.
Additional meanings for this card:
*Let go of procrastination or perfectionism*Break your major goals into baby steps and take one step at a time*Revamp your schedule so that you devote regular time to your priorities* Be assertive in saying no to anything that diverts you from your path*
~Ostara ~ Fertility~
'It is a perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas, and give birth to new conditions.'
Message from Ostara:
Springtime is any time when the light increases within your mind and entire system...you can lighten up by fueling yourself with positive intentions, nutritious foods, and anything that sparks your feelings of love...You can paint a sunny outlook within yourself, which will give rise to all sorts of new opportunities, since like attracts like.  Feel more energized and powerful as you spruce up your inner and outer worlds.  Then capitalize on this increased vigor by starting a new project that really makes your heart sing with excitement!
Various meanings of this card:
*This card signifies pregnancy*You will be involved with a successful child conception, adoption, or custody resolution*There will be a resurrection of the old*Your new idea or venture will be successful*It's an opportune time to make life changes*"

My message for you today is this:
As always, Spirit has made it evident WHY I was guided to draw from 2 different decks today!  The messages from these two cards 'meld' together and support each other beautifully.  I have spoken often here, of the SHIFT that we are undergoing Spiritually, and the movement from the masculine to the feminine. It is IMPORTANT to remember, that both energies serve us and we do not want to completely deny any aspect of ourselves!  We had been, in the past, inordinately engaged in the masculine, competitive energy and we were out of balance.  The goal is to BRING INTO BALANCE the masculine and feminine aspects that dwell within each of us, so that we can move forward in the best possible way.  I believe that THAT is why I was guided to draw these two cards today---to illustrate that one energy is not SUPERIOR to another, but rather, when BALANCED and implemented in beautiful unison and compliment to one another, they are POWERFUL in assisting us to move forward in the way that we are meant to!
King Solomon was the son of King David of Israel, and ascended to the throne to rule Israel upon his father's death.  King Solomon, who had many wives, was said to appreciate Goddess energy and the power of the feminine, even in a time when women were not recognized as 'powerful'.  He was progressive and liberal in his thinking and as a leader. He understood the importance of the balance between feminine and masculine energies in regards to achieving success with projects and endeavors.
The Goddess, Ostara (pronounced Oh-STAR-uh), is representative of BALANCE between nighttime and daytime hours, as the Teutonic Goddess of the Spring Equinox.   She is sometimes referred to as 'Eostre', and the words 'East' and 'Easter' were both named for her, in recognition of her association to the sun rising in the East and the Spring Equinox.  As her energies are so strongly aligned with the season of Spring, she is looked to for assistance with issues of fertility, and the 'birthing' of new projects and ventures.
The Ascended Master King Solomon, and the Celtic Goddess Ostara, have presented in unison for you today to encourage you to pursue what you feel guided to with the understanding that you are supported in doing so!  Call upon them to assist you in finding the BALANCED approach that will best serve you in moving forward!
Blessed be...

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