Friday, July 4, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Friday, July 4th/14. When I saw the card that had flown out of the 'Magical Messages From the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue, I felt compelled to dedicate today's message to my dear friend, Jan...  We spoke of how she would make her presence known today Jan, and this is just one of her ways of connecting with you.  Much love to you and your family, my friend, on this day of honouring.
Your card today is the 'Children' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"The fairies love and trust children because of their pure faith and guileless motives.  This card comes to you as a sign of your connection to them.  As you read the additional meanings behind this card, notice which message clicks as your truth.  Pay attention to signs and intuitive feelings related to the topic of children, for the Universe is trying to get the message to you.
Additional meanings for this card:
Your life purpose involves working with children.* The energy of pregnancy surrounds you.* A child in Heaven is sending a message of Love.*You have a connection to Indigo, Crystal or Rainbow children.*Your inner child needs to play."

My message for you today is this:
When I pray over the cards before I shuffle the deck I ask for a message to come forward that will be of assistance for those who will be reached by the reading.  Trust me...I never know which card(s) Spirit is going to present either, and I can't have any expectations or thoughts about that, or I will be interfering with what is meant to come forward.  So, I trust, allow and believe.  The reason I share this is because that is the way that children approach the world of Spirit, including Fairy energy---which is why children can make the connection so readily and easily.  In addition to what Doreen has to say above, you are being reminded today by the Fairies to approach Spirit with the same openness and trust that you did as a child.  Step back into the feeling of child-like wonder---be in your heart, rather than your head---it is from this space that Spirit is most accessible to you.  Move throughout your day today with an open heart---and trust, allow and believe---with child-like wonder, in the ways in which Spirit makes itself known to you.
Blessed be...

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