Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Hilarion ~ Health and Healing

This is your card reading for Tuesday, January 5th/16 (the first day of Mercury Retrograde). Your card today shot out of the 'Ascended Masters' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Hilarion ~ Health and Healing', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"This card is a sign of healing. Your Divine healing power has awakened and you feel compelled to help others to heal.  Just as you've been healed, so too do you want others to enjoy health and vitality.  You're supported in making life changes so that you can continue to heal yourself and others.  Let go of any fears or restrictive thinking to fully open the miracles of healing.
ADDITIONAL MESSAGES FOR THE CARD:  An illness or injury is healed or healing. * You are a healer. * It is a good and safe time for you to change to a healing career. * Study healing modalities.
ABOUT THE ASCENDED MASTER, HILARION:  Hilarion, also known as Saint Hilarion or Master Hilarion, was a 4th-century Middle Easterner who became renowned for his successful healing work.  Hilarion was beloved by both Christians and those who practised old religions. . . Call upon Hilarion for any issue involving healing or the clearing of energy."

My message for you today is this:
It is a common theme to step back into a 'healthier way of being' when we enter the New Year, following the holidays---which are typically about self-indulgence (remember...no GUILT about that...you are here in the physical for all sorts of reasons and to enjoy and revel in indulgences from time to time)!  It would seem the theme of the readings this week will align with that, as the Ascended Master, Hilarion, has presented today for you (and ME!) in support of health and healing.  Perhaps you are a healer, and practise a healing modality in service to others.  Why is it that we are so willing to assist others in striving for optimum health and we don't pay the same time and attention to our own health and well-being?
You are being advised and urged by Master Hilarion to commit to your self at this time!
I SO appreciate that the word VITALITY came up in Doreen's message for you about this card.  Isn't that what we truly all wish for ourselves?  To approach our lives from a place of vitality and a passion for living, rather than to merely EXIST?  Isn't that what 2016---the year of 'creative courage'---is all about also?  Making the choice to courageously choose to express yourself in a vital, meaningful, authentic way?  The Webster Dictionary defines VITALITY in this way:
"1: the property of distinguishing the living from the nonliving 2: mental and physical vigor 3: enduring quality 4: animation, liveliness."  It IS possible to EXIST without being VITAL, but the energies of 2016 will be such that it will be VERY uncomfortable should you attempt living your life from that stature.  We are being pushed into vitally expressing all that we are meant to be.  So...what does this have to do with health and healing?  In this instance, 'healing' doesn't mean solely to 'cure' a malady or illness---it means to bring yourself into your optimum place of vitality---physically, mentally, and spiritually.  This will be attained in various ways for various people, as we are unique in our make-up, even as we are alike. 
Hilarion is calling upon you today, to be AUTHENTIC with yourself about the ways in which it would benefit you at this time to make changes in your life that would increase your level of health and vitality.  I reiterate---this is NOT to drop you into a place of self-judgment and self-blame!  The intention here is to take a realistic look at where it would serve you, in honoring yourself, to make adjustments and changes.  Do so from a place of honoring and celebrating all that you ARE, rather than from a place of self-deprecation for all that you believe that you are NOT.  The underlying energy from which you approach your intentions to reach for great health and vitality make all the difference!  This is about YOU, and only YOU---you are not reaching to be anyone other than yourself in all of your glory.  No comparisons, or looking to others for validation or approval.  I love this quote by Oscar Wilde: "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."  Celebrate YOU by being courageous enough to see yourself as the Divine already sees you, and move forward from that place.
Blessed be...

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