Wednesday, January 13, 2016


This is your card reading for Wednesday, January 13th/16.  Your card today flipped out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Creative', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are fully aligned with the powerful light of Source energy and loving harmony of Mother Earth.  Your creative energy is centered and flowing.  It is time now to embrace this energy. Perhaps you are an artist, a writer, a speaker, a dancer, a healer, a musician or whatever. Dedicate time each day to using your creative force in a way that brings you joy.  Keep yourself grounded and connected through meditation.  When you are aligned with Source and Mother Earth, your creative juices flow in abundance."

My message for you today is this:
Wow, wow, wow!  Even as the day began today, I have already experienced emphatically what Elizabeth Peru of 'The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast' has intuited for the energies of the day!  In her words in her Forecast for today:
"THEME OF THE DAY:  This is a period where we are immersed in our own needs.
The focus is on delivering the circumstances that move you to act in your best favour.  Take the plunge and support yourself.  It's what you secretly desire."
You may find yourself in life situations where it is very challenging to even contemplate your own needs, never mind act on them!  I have already had to 'take a stand for myself' today, and I am admittedly not very good at that!  My issue is that sometimes I have to be pushed to a certain point before I set boundaries for myself; and so I become 'reactionary', rather than taking positive action.  Put simply, I 'snap---lose it' in standing up for myself, rather than setting realistic expectations/boundaries to begin with. Seldom do you command the same respect and the results that you desire, when you come from a place of being pushed too far!  People respond much better to you when you calmly and resolutely take a stand for yourself. I have been accused, at times, of 'overreacting' to something, when in truth, I have merely reached the 'end of my rope' because I haven't dealt directly with something that is bothering me.  This has long been a pattern in my way of being, and one that I am aware of, and have been working on.  I am naturally a 'people pleaser'---as an empath, it is more comfortable for me when others are comfortable. Yet, the energies of this upcoming year, which require us to stand fully in our power, are pushing us to rid any remnants of old patterns that would stand in the way of our embracing 'creative courage'.   Coco's popular quote: 'People will only do to you what you allow them to', is an aspect of the theme for this year.   You will be required to be your own best advocate, as you express yourself authentically. Those closest to you may not be used to you tending more voraciously to your own needs, and you may come up against resistance.  First you must deal with your own possible internal resistance to claiming your personal value, before you can expect others to recognize your worth.  How is it 'fair' to be resentful of how others behave toward you, if you continually allow it to happen? You may be pushed into standing up for your own needs today (and at other moments throughout this year)---strive to do so consciously from a place of self-empowerment, rather than from a place of self-defence. And when you fail in this, recognize that, and strive to approach things differently next time a similar situation presents itself.  Today is a day to take care of YOU, and to take steps in making positive changes that will allow you to embrace and express creative expression of who you are here to be.   
Your card today is reminding you to 'selfishly' nurture the creative aspect that is striving to be expressed.  It is reminding you that 'the force is strong within you'---the Light, and the creative force---and that you must honour yourself in order to honour that creative flow.
Blessed be...

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