Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Universal Law of Least Effort

This is your card reading for Tuesday, October 4th/16.  Your card slipped out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' card deck authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Least Effort', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Least Effort states that the Universe always moves along the path of least resistance.  As an individual, you can follow the path of least resistance by concentrating your efforts on your internal world of thoughts and feelings until the conditions are right for you to take action.  If you choose to act before the Universe has aligned conditions to support your actions, you must expend great effort.  Your job in the creation process is to live in the vibration that matches your ideal, to act upon opportunities that come your way, to notice the signs and synchronicities, and to be open, detached, and trusting. The Universe's job is to work behind the scenes to attract to you what it is you are creating. Once you've decided what it is that you want, your first tendency may be to act on that desire. Use the wisdom of this law instead: stop and wait.  Allow opportunities to come to you. This does not mean that you will not have to act; it means that when it is time to act, your next steps will be obvious and harmonious. When opportunities present themselves, synchronicities abound, and everything seems to be coming together effortlessly, the time is right for action. And when the time does come to act, always give 100%.  This card is reminding you that when you are putting in a lot of effort but getting very few results, it is time to align with the Law of Least Effort. Concentrate your efforts on mastering your thoughts and feelings first, and let the Universe take care of the HOW."

My message for you today is this:
There have been A LOT of messages coming forward for you of late, with this general theme.  'Go with the flow' is another way to express the how the Universal Law of Least Effort can be implemented in your life.  As shared in the message above, the Law of Least Effort DOES NOT imply passivity!!  To live the life that your Soul desires for you requires that you be a conscious and active participant in the creation of that.  The message that is presenting for you today is to step out of attempting to orchestrate every detail of how your dreams will come into being. As Oprah shares in relation to this:
"All of us need a vision for our lives and even as we work to achieve this vision, we must surrender it to the power that is greater than we know. It's one of the defining principles of my life that I love to share: God can dream a bigger dream for you than you could ever dream for yourself.  Success comes when you surrender to that dream--and let it lead you to the next best place."  ~Oprah Winfrey~
Seldom are ALL of the steps necessary in moving toward a dream we hold for ourselves evident all at once!  It can be overwhelming when this happens! Typically, when we strive to move consciously and deliberately toward a certain goal or dream for our life experience, we do so one step at a time.  Those steps are presented by the Universe to us, often in ways that we least expect or could have ever predicted.  Yet, when we strive to be aware and to take advantage of the opportunities and synchronicities that present for us, it feels as though we move forward with ease and grace...it just 'feels right' (even if it challenges us, such as when I was asked to speak at IAD this past September).  Understand that the Law of Least Effort doesn't mean to employ laziness; but rather the most effective use of your effort!  It means being EFFICIENT with your effort and working in symphony with the Universal energies that are always conspiring in your favour!
Blessed be...

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