Friday, October 28, 2016

Ostara ~ Fertility

This is your card reading for Friday, October 28th/16.  Your card slipped out of the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Ostara ~ Fertility', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"It is the perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas, and give birth to new conditions.
MESSAGE FROM OSTARA:  Springtime is any time when the light increases within your mind and entire system.  If you feel dark, heavy, or depressed, then you can lighten up by fueling yourself with positive intentions, nutritious foods, and anything that sparks your feelings of love.  Surround yourself with beautiful flowers, brighten the colors in your wardrobe and home, and draw back the curtains to let in natural light.  You can paint a sunnier outlook within yourself, which will give rise to all sorts of new opportunities, since like attracts like.  Feel more energized and powerful as you spruce up your inner and outer worlds.  Then capitalize on the increased vigor by starting a new project that really makes your heart sing with excitement!
ABOUT OSTARA (pronounced Oh-STAR-uh):  She's the Teutonic goddess of fertility and springtime, who's sometimes called 'Eostre'.  The words 'East' and 'Easter' were both named after Ostara, because of the reference to the sun rising in the east, and the increase in sunlight beginning in the Celtic springtime.  She's celebrated during the spring equinox as the bringer of increased light and the balance between nighttime and daytime hours.  Call upon Ostara to increase your fruitfulness, fertility, or to help you embark on new ventures."

My message for you today is this:
I feel that the goddess Ostara is presenting for you today because we are headed into the Black New Moon on Sunday, October 30th/16.  As the goddess of fertility and increased 'light', her energies align with the energies offered by this Black New Moon (being the second New Moon to occur in a month).  New Moons typically hold the vibration of manifestation and 'new' beginnings, while Full Moons are about releasement.  
And each New or Full Moon then holds it's own unique 'themes' according to the current cosmic alignments.  While I have no personal understanding of the cosmic 'workings'; being extremely sensitive to energy all of my life, I absolutely 'feel' the effects of prevailing cosmic energies.  Some people are particularly sensitive to the lunar (moon) energies...maybe you are one of those people.  I am grateful to those who share their understanding of the prevailing cosmic energies to help us to utilize these energies and to better navigate our way consciously through the energies.  According to Gregory Scott Astrology, the Black New Moon this upcoming Sunday is ". . .powerful, it's transformative, and it's potentially life changing. . ."  Gregory says that a New Moon is a great time to ". . .plant seeds of intention, to look at what you want to achieve in the next 30 days, and to rest and become reflective, and to look at what's ahead. . ."   Gregory shares that this particular Black New Moon is even more intense in that regard, and that it holds the energy of going even deeper and long term with your intentions at this time...  He also states that we are in a highly creative time, with this Black Moon. He advises that we use this time of the Black New Moon to move forward with our life in many ways; it is a time of deeply letting go of something that has long been holding you back and making room for the new to come in, especially by setting INTENTIONS (and you MUST know by now how I feel about the power of intention)! 
This is where the goddess Ostara and her theme of 'fertility' come into play, and why her presenting for you today is so synchronistic.  Call upon Ostara to be with you in the energies of this intense Black New Moon this weekend in setting those intentions and in drawing to yourself at this highly fertile time, the abundance and richness that awaits you in all aspects of your life experience.  Due to the intensity of the cosmic energies of this particular Black New Moon, you may experience some strong emotions periodically over the next few days. Do your best to recognize what is at the root of these emotions, and use your emotions as guideposts that mark the path you are now meant to take.  It is no accident that your cards this week were 'Universal Law of Awareness', 'Footprints' and 'Journey'!  Utilize the energies being offered you at this time!  The goddess Ostara offers her support and encouragement, so call upon her!
Blessed be...

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