Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hematite ~ Manifest Light

This is your card reading for Tuesday, May 24th/16.  Your card glided out of 'The Crystal Ally Cards' deck, authored by Naisha Ahsian.  Your card is 'Hematite ~ Manifest Light', and Naisha's message for the card is this:
". . .Hematite is a metalic, silver-gray stone that leaves a red streak when drawn across a scratch plate.  Because of this red streak, the ancient Greeks felt that Hematite was the solidified blood of the Earth, and so called it 'haimatites' or 'bloodlike stone'. . .As an Ally, it aids in drawing the higher frequencies of spiritual energy onto the Earth plane, and grounding that energy into the physical body and physical matter. Hematite works as an energy regulator, drawing upon and balancing energy where it is needed. . . We know that all matter is actually energy that vibrates within a certain range of frequencies. We have come into physicality in order to experience resonance with those frequencies of energy so that we may learn from them.  Part of the experiment of physicality is to manifest spiritual Light into the slower frequencies of physicality.  This is the process and the goal of our spiritual growth---to bring the vibration of matter into resonance with the vibration of Spirit. To do this, we can consciously connect with the high frequency energy of the Universe, and use our bodies and minds as channels for that energy to be transmitted into this physical realm.  Hematite is the ally that is best suited to aiding us in this important work.  By resonating with the energy of Hematite, we become more able to express our highest purpose here on Earth.  Through Hematites guidance and ministration, we are reminded that we are the doorway through which the Age of Light will enter the physical plane.
Hematite has appeared in your cards today to remind you that part of your purpose here on Earth is to bring the Light of Spirit into the physical world through your creations, actions and words.  All of the physical realm is composed of varying frequencies of Light. By focusing upon becoming a channel for that Light, you will begin to manifest it into the physical world through your creations and experiences.  
Take time throughout the day to focus on expressing the light of Spirit through whatever you are doing.  Connect with the Earth element and bring the Light not only into your own body, but onto the planet as well.  It is through this expression of Spirit that the Age of Light will be born into the world.
CHAKRA:  Earth Star and Root Chakra
AFFIRMATION:  I am a channel for the Light on the Earth Plane."

My message for you today is this:
The angel in the photo of your card today is 'wearing' a Hematite and Turquoise necklace that I bought while in Turkey in 2004. I had no idea of the properties of Hematite when I purchased it…I was simply drawn to it...and that is how it typically 'works' with crystal energy.  We are drawn to certain crystals and their resonance on an intuitive level, without having to know exactly 'why'.
Wow!  I absolutely love and appreciate how Naisha shares the meaning of being a 'Lightworker' as she speaks to us about the Age of Light in her message above!  To be a Lightworker means that you strive to bring Light into the world, through the expression of your own unique aptitudes and abilities.  Not only those on the world stage, sharing their messages of spiritual growth and development, are Lightworkers.  You may be a Lightworker within your marriage as you support your partner in realizing his/her own potential; or even as you support your partner through some health challenge. You may be a powerful Lightworker within your own family circle; through breaking old dysfunctional patterns that comprised your family dynamics in the past.  You may be a Lightworker in your community by volunteering your time and talents in service to others.  Essentially, to be a Lightworker means to share the vibration of LOVE, which is to bring in the Light, in whatever way you feel inspired to...it could be as simple as sharing a smile with someone. 
Of course the phrase that Naisha shares in her message above ". . .we can consciously connect with the high frequency energy of the Universe, and use our bodies and minds as channels for that energy to be transmitted into this physical realm" speaks so profoundly to me!  It is why my spiritually based business is named 'Conscious Connections'.  My passion is in assisting others to discover how to make the conscious, deliberate and intentional connection to their intuition, Higher Self, and the guidance which the Universe has to offer every one of us...to shine their own Light! 
Synchronistically, Elizabeth Peru advises in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast for the cosmic energies of this day, also: "Focus on uplifting the planet through your presence." YOU, yes YOU, are a Lightworker!  EVERY time you shine your Light, you illuminate the world!  
Blessed be...

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