Tuesday, January 20, 2015


This is your card reading for Tuesday, January 20th/15...the day of the Super New Moon! Your card today flipped out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Up', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Time to lift your eyes off the ground and start looking up toward the heavens.  Keeping YOU down and trying to be small isn't doing anyone any favours.  This world needs you---the REAL you.  Low self-esteem and self-worth is impeding your perception of whom and what you really are.  It is also affecting your ability to put yourself out into the world.  There is a whole other life, waiting inside you, crying to be lived.  The only thing standing in your way is you.
The Universe sees you and knows you as a Divine spark of the All.  They are calling you now to begin embracing that aspect of yourself too.  Stand up, hold your head up, and bein looking at the ways in which you are dis-empowering yourself.  It's time to start building your own personal sense of value and your own sense of worth.  Spirit knows this is not an easy task, which is why they have brought you this message today.
Every time you feel you are not enough, look up to the heavens and know the entire Cosmos is supporting you on this.  When you see the sky above you, let that be your reminder that you are more than enough.  You are God incarnated.  And the only one who can give you value and a sense of worth is you.
There is nothing your guides and angels want more than to see you step in to the truth of who you really are.  Start looking to the good within you, the value you actually do have, and the difference you really do make.  Start to see yourself as the Universe sees you.  Human is what you are wearing on the outside.  Inside, you are a brilliant Light of Divine Source. Remember who you are."

My message for you today is this:
Wow!  I have long spoken of the MANIFESTATION energy that comes with a New Moon, and today's Super New Moon is a doozy!  Spirit has given you a loving 'kick you in the butt' message today!  
I was speaking only yesterday with a dear friend about how we had both had serious moments of self-doubt late in 2014; where we were asking ourselves if we were having any REAL impact with our spiritual work and teaching, and if it was really worth all the effort...  I share this with you because we spoke also of how some of the leading spiritual mentors and teachers that we have had the good fortune to work with over the years, have also experienced just such doubts.  It is part of the human experience---NO ONE, having a human experience, resides in total confidence and 'knowing' at all times!  We were both given validation, just when we needed it most, that we were on the right Soul path, and Spirit is doing the same for you now.  Spirit is reminding you today that you DO have gifts to offer and that you DO make a difference, often in ways that you may not even know or realize!  The thing is, to honour YOURSELF enough to be true to yourself and to express yourself out into the world in the way that your Soul is urging you to do.  I have stated that I see 2015 as the year of 'conscious action'---take responsibility for the Divine spark that is within you and embrace the unconditional Love that resides there.  When self-doubt or low self-esteem visit you, acknowledge your feelings and then turn your attention to the Divine spark within and allow it to Light your way.  This 'kick in the butt' from Spirit is meant to lift you UP...to readjust your perspective so that you may see yourself as the Divine sees you.
This card has presented for you at the perfect time...CONSCIOUSLY set your intentions for sharing your gifts.  As Elizabeth Peru (yes...I have been quoting her a lot lately, but her advice truly resonates with me right now, particularly!) of www.deltawaves.com.au states  in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast', regarding this Super New Moon:
"Around the time of a New Moon we pull in and reflect.  You may be looking over the last six months of your life and wondering what you have achieved, where you have been and deciding if you are happy with where and who you are.  Are you?  This New Moon is asking for a re-set on a very practical level.  There's nothing wishy-washy or unsure about what it is you need to refresh and begin anew.  You know what needs good solid practical action in your life, don't you? It's what you keep thinking about and dreaming about.  It just won't go away until you give it some attention. WELL, ATTENTION TIME IS NOW.  I suggest you take some time out of your busy schedule today and write down what your intuition is telling you. Have the courage to acknowledge and face what you are being told from within... Let your truth wash over you today.  That will be enough to set your inner intent. Then you can start taking actions steps from today onwards to fulfilling your heart's desires.  At the Full Moon in July you will see the results of what you plant now.  So let's go and build solid foundations that we can thrive from come mid year."
So...here we go...utilize the supporting energy of this Super New Moon to look UP!  Know that in honouring yourself and all that you are, you are thereby honouring the Divine!  Get clear and take 'conscious action'...Exciting times!
Blessed be...

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