Thursday, January 29, 2015

Universal Law of Love

This is your card reading for Thursday, January 29th/15, from Anthem, Arizona!  Your card dropped out of the fractal art 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana DaPonte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is the 'Universal Law of Love', and Lara, Dana and Marlene's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Love states that the formless substance, or essence, from which all things are created is permeated with the quality of universal love.  Universal love is an inherent quality of the life force that animates all things and is thus within every atom and molecule of everything that exists.  Universal love is whole, open, and inclusive.  It contains an interconnection with all life and embraces everyone and everything without conditions.  It allows that which is without restriction.  Oneness experienced at the level of feeling is universal love.  The polar experience of love is fear.  All feelings are a variation of either fear or love.  When you perceive yourself as separate from all life, you experience fear or another emotion rooted in fear, such as anger, hate, depression, or pain.  All emotions that made you feel badly are rooted in the perception of separation.  All emotions that make you feel good are rooted in love or oneness.  When you feel good, you become expanded and open.  An open, expanded state of being allows the Universe to work with, for, and through you.  This card is telling you to choose love.  Ask yourself: what would love do now?  How could you look at your present conditions more lovingly?"

My message for you today is this:
As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, what I felt emanating was a glowing warmth that was all-encompassing.  You are being asked today to take a moment to allow yourself to consciously bask in the glow of unconditional Love.  You CAN make the conscious choice to do so, you know, regardless of extenuating circumstances.  Take the time to sit quietly, and support yourself with crystals, candle light, and uplifting music, or a locale in Nature that you resonate deeply with---whatever you feel inspired to 'set the mood' (Rose Quartz is a beautiful crystal whose vibration is in alignment with unconditional Love).  Give yourself the loving gift of this time to honour yourself and the Divine spark that resides within you...this spark is fuelled by unconditional Love.  See the Divine spark, in your mind's eye, and imagine it growing, and glowing, and expanding, until it fills you up with Light and Love. Now, you are in complete vibrational alignment with Source energy, which is Love energy. Sit with that, and feel yourself embody the peace and serenity that is being offered you. Unconditional Love energy is so healing, and you CAN choose to access this vibration, even when (and most especially when) you are not feeling your optimal self.  Feeling sad, or angry or frustrated or unworthy?  Acknowledge that you are feeling that way, and that there are no 'bad' emotions, because as Panache Desai states, 'emotions are just energy in motion'.  Look to how that emotion is there to guide you, and then nurture yourself by engaging in the simple practise of connecting with Source, unconditional Love energy as a reminder that you ARE LOVED  and you ARE LOVE.  Sitting with this Love energy can serve to shift your perspective about any situation or circumstance within your life.
I so appreciate the question presented in the message for the card which asks: 'what would love do now?'  Any act that is taken with Love as the motivating agent is going to be for the greater good.  For today, though, do not place any requirements upon yourself, other than to take a few moments to 'bask in unconditional Love'.  To simply do so will shift and impact how you move through the rest of the day and the near future, in ways that you cannot even begin to imagine!
Blessed be... 

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