Friday, January 30, 2015


This is your daily card reading for Friday, January 30th/15.  Your card jumped out of the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Action', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Today I take action related to the priorities that I have previously put off...
Mother Mary sends you this gentle reminder that sometimes you must take human action in order for your prayers to be answered.  Such is the case with your current situation, where you may have disregarded, or procrastinated working on, a priority.  Mother Mary is compassionate and understands that you've got multiple responsibilities demanding your time and attention.  Even so, this is a case where things will stay at a standstill until you take steps in your desired direction.  
To clarify which action steps to take, sit quietly and interview your heart with these questions:
What is most important to me?
How much time do I devote to these priorities daily?
What can I do right now to support them?
Notice the thoughts and feelings that arise, because these are part of the answers to your prayers.  Then ask Mother Mary and the angels to boost your motivation and confidence to take these actions."

My message for you today is this:
The energy is strong right now in urging us to take 'conscious action' I have stated here often, that is the energy of 2015 on the whole, but today's energy is 'amped up' in that regard.  Mother Mary---with her maternal, nurturing energy---is imploring us to express our Light out into the World, in the same way that a loving Mother sees the great potential within her child and wants that potential to be expressed.  Although Mother Mary's energy is gentle, she is adamant that today we take the action steps necessary in sharing our unique gifts and talents with the World.  Procrastination is NOT in alignment with the energy of this day!  Choose to be proactive, even if it means taking baby steps.  Tap into your inner knowing, which is heart-centered, as to how best to proceed today.  Perhaps you will pick up the phone and make that phone call that you have been putting off making, for whatever reason.  Perhaps you will register for that course that you have been interested in taking, but haven't yet committed to.  Perhaps you will follow through on your plans to take better care of your physical body by researching nutrition and committing to an exercise program that feels right for you.  Whatever this means for you today, follow your heart's urgings, take guided action, and witness the sense of elation you feel once you have taken some steps to bring your desired reality into being!  Mother Mary stands with you today to support you in doing so...she offers you the firm, yet gentle hand of maternal energy.  Feel embraced and know that Mother Mary looks upon you seeing the potential and possibility within you, longing for it to be expressed.  What you place your intention upon today and your energy into accomplishing, will move forward with ease and grace. Take action!  You will be so glad that you did!
Blessed be...  

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