Monday, November 10, 2014

Universal Law of Purpose

This is your daily card reading for Monday, November 10th/14. Your card is from the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creations' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana LaPointe, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card today is the 'Universal Law of Purpose' card, and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Purpose states that all life has a purpose.  You are who you are for a purpose, and your individuality serves the whole.  Your existence serves life, whether or not you are consciously aware of how you do so.  The Law of Purpose is reminding you that who you are today is perfect and serves a higher purpose.  A common purpose of life is to grow and expand, to become more in quality and quantity.  Part of growing and becoming more is to expand your consciousness and awaken to who you really are:  oneness experiencing individuality.  As an individual, you also have the power to consciously choose a purpose.  
Perhaps you feel your purpose is to inspire others or heal the environment or be the best parent you can be.  Choose a purpose that serves the whole and you will align with the Universe.  Whatever purpose you choose, hold it in your heart and mind as you go about your day.  Infuse your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your purpose.  Hold your purpose in mind as you act, and put the feeling of your purpose into each action.  The Universe will support your purpose with ease, grace, and synchronicity.
Find a word or a symbol that reflects your purpose.  Write or draw this symbol on several pieces of paper and put these in places that you will see often.  Think about your purpose upon waking and before falling asleep.  The more you make a habit of being conscious of your purpose, the stronger the impression you will make upon the Universe."

My message for you today is this:
One of the most common questions that comes up in the Akashic Records Consultations that I do for others is, 'What is my life purpose?'   Your Akashic Records are an excellent place to explore that question.  This is what I have learned personally, as I move along my spiritual path:  while our PURPOSE holds a theme, how it is expressed into the world morphs and changes throughout the course of our lives.  For example, I have come to understand that my purpose in this lifetime is as a TEACHER---this has been exhibited in various roles already in my life.  Having been a student of dance since I was 3 years old, I began to teach dance classes in the basement of our home as a young teenager (my parents set up a rudimentary 'dance studio' for me);  when I took figure skating lessons in our small town, I was selected by the primary instructor to teach some of the 'learn to skate' classes; while in high school I earned high school credits by assisting the speech therapist in working with elementary school children; I earned my Bachelors of Education degree following high school, and enjoyed my teaching career, focusing on elementary education; I believe that MOTHERS are among the most important and impactful teachers and I am proud and honoured to be the mother of 3 amazing people; I now teach and share my learnings and experiences of a metaphysical nature with courses I have created; and I see this daily card reading and the Akashic Records Consultations I do for others as a form of teaching, because it is my intention that they will serve to enlighten you in some way. 
You get the picture---your life purpose, whatever it may be---will be expressed out into the world in various ways at different times.  
Do not attempt to box your self in or go into self-judgment by believing that you have not been in your purpose before now!  This card has presented for you today to encourage you to CONSCIOUSLY be in your purpose and to recognize that you are here for a reason!  You were created in your beautiful individuality as a powerful expression of the Divine.  How will you reveal that?  The possibilities are infinite, so choose consciously and intentionally.  The Universe supports you!
Blessed be...

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