Wednesday, November 5, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Wednesday, November 5th/14.  Your card today wafted out of the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  I LOVE this deck!  I have often felt the grace of Mother Mary at pivotal points in my life---her nurturing, maternal strength is a true blessing!  Your card today is the 'Integrity' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"I trust my ability to know what is true for me...
You drew this card because the situation you're asking about involves someone's integrity. This card comes as guidance to pay attention to your body's signals, because you can sense whether someone is being honest.  Mother Mary is a wonderful role model of gently and lovingly demanding that others live truthfully.  You can do the same with the people in your life.  You can also avoid those who aren't acting with integrity.  Either way, trust your gut feelings to steer you toward individuals who tell the truth and who 'walk their talk'.
This card also asks you to tell the truth yourself, even if you're uncomfortable with the possible reaction.  Prayer can guide your words, give you courage to speak up, and help create a healthy atmosphere of honest communication."

My message for you today is this:
INTERESTING how the cards for you this week, drawn from 3 completely different decks, are all IMPORTANT 'I' words:  INTENTION, INTUITION and INTEGRITY!  There is NO such thing as coincidence...only synchronicity...and so it is with the cards that presented for you this week!
I am getting a slightly different message for today's card than Doreen had in the guidebook, however.  As soon as the card wafted out of the deck, I had the knowing that Mother Mary was communicating to us today about trusting in our own intuitive messages---not just in regards to another's integrity, but rather, to live in our OWN integrity by being true to ourselves.  
Of course, this does at times mean being selective about whom we include in our lives, which is not always as easy as it sounds.  I seldom 'share' things on my personal Facebook page, in terms of 'quotes', etc.; but just yesterday I did share a quote that I could relate to: "I'm guilty of giving people more chances than they deserve but when I'm done, I'M DONE." Mother Mary is reminding us that we need not remain in close personal contact with those who compromise our own personal integrity---choose to spend your precious time with those who lift you up, rather than attempt to drag you down. You CAN approach such situations from a loving place---beginning with LOVE for yourself!  Call upon Mother Mary to guide and assist you in how best to approach such situations. Honour yourself in this way.
Mother Mary is also gently reminding us that, just because someone has psychic abilities, does NOT guarantee that they are always operating from a place of integrity.  This was a HUGE lesson for me, personally!  I assumed that all the people in my 'community', as my son calls it, also held to the same beliefs and standard of ethics as I hold---not necessarily true!  Of course, I have my own challenges as a spiritual being having a physical experience;  but I ALWAYS hold any conscious connection to the Divine and to Spirit as SACRED.  I have witnessed that this is not the case with all who have an aptitude for making the connection for themselves and others.  Trust in what your intuition is telling you in regards to this in your life, and honour it.  No need to go into judgment, but be selective about whom you align yourself with in this way.
Mother Mary's primary message for us today is just as the message on the card states:
'I trust in the ability to know what is true for me.'  At times, even when we 'know', we still deny our 'knowing'.  Set the intention today to truly listen to what your intuitive self is communicating to you, and to stand firmly in the integrity of that!  Mother Mary is with you and supporting you in this!
Blessed be...

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