Tuesday, November 4, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Tuesday, November 4th/14.  Your card today sprung out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is the 'Intuition' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"There is a focus right now on your intuitive and clairvoyant abilities.  This card usually signifies an amplification of this functioning.  You may find yourself feeling more tapped-in to the cosmic energy field of information.  This can include the sudden channeling of information from Celestial beings, an increase in predictive dreams, or sensing information from objects or your surroundings.
Stay open to this flow.  It is happening for a reason.  You are being attuned with higher ascension energies which are affecting the planet at this time.  And yes, this will be a permanent enhancement. These gifts are intended to work in this way.  It is part of the awareness, which the rest of humanity will experience when they are ready to move into this higher frequency field.  But for now, just relax as you adjust to it.
The Intuition card also comes to those whose intuitive gifts are strong, but underdeveloped. It is important for you to trust that you are indeed intuitive and this is an important part of who you are.  Be open to learning about your intuition and how it works.  Take classes, read information on it, and speak to those you know who are actively using their gift.  You may be very surprised by how easily and naturally your intuition blossoms for you.
The main thing is to trust the process of what is happening for you.  Trust any information you receive. The more you acknowledge and focus on your intuition, the stronger it will be. It will become clear soon, how to use your gift in service."

My message for you today is this:
As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, the energy emanating up my arm and to my crown chakras was intense!  I have personally pulled this card for myself previously in layouts, and I have not experienced such intensity---it was almost 'dizzying'.  This indicates to me that we are presently in a POWERFUL time of amplification for  'consciously connecting' to the Divine and to Spirit. Utilize the cosmic energies; and in fact, the evolutionary time that we are in spiritually; to recognize, identify, acknowledge, and DEVELOP your own unique psychic gifts.  While you may have an inherent aptitude or ability for ANY skill (be it psychic, intellectual, or physical); it is NECESSARY to practise and develop that skill in order to take it to its potential---otherwise, it just lays dormant. Such a waste of possibility! 
We ALL have INTUITION---yet we, as individuals, have varying aptitudes, abilities, and capabilities.  You were given your own unique gifts for a reason!  Get clear on how you were meant to embrace your intuitive self and to develop and utilize your abilities for 'the greater good of All' (including YOURSELF)!  You are supported at this time in a MAGNIFIED way. Step up and step into it...even by taking 'baby steps'...it is ALL movement forward! Understand that you may feel periods of 'adjustment', and what I call 'integration', as you strive to align with the new energy and vibration.  It IS possible to move through such transition with ease and grace, if you ALLOW and flow with the shift.  You chose to be here on planet Earth at this time for a reason---your Soul knew that you were ready, and that you have actually longed for this.  Know that in your heart, and trust in your INTUITION.
Blessed be...

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