Monday, February 17, 2014

Accepting What Is

Today is our last day here in the beautiful coastal city of Vila Velha, Brazil!  We fly out this afternoon for Rio de Janeiro, then to Houston, then arrive in Calgary tomorrow.  Our wonderful time here with our children, our daughter-in-law and our daughter's boyfriend, as well as other family and friends that we have here in Brazil, has passed far too quickly, but we are SO grateful for this time together!  The picture of your card today was taken on a conga of the Brazilian flag, which has the words, 'Ordem E Progresso', which translates to 'Order and Progress'.  With two of our three children currently living in Brazil, we have strong ties to this country now...who knows what the Universe has in store for us?  I CERTAINLY could not have predicted this aspect of my life, while raising our children on a farm in a small community...I thought that their moving to Calgary to go to University was too far away at that time!  Who knew?
Your card today was drawn from the 'Gateway Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Denise Linn.  I just love how the Universe works, because the card that dropped out of the deck is the 'Accepting What Is' card...a card that I can CERTAINLY relate to, having some of my children living so far away, and now today, having to leave them to return home...
Denise's message for the card is this:
"I accept and embrace my inner majesty...
Accept your life in all its configurations. Know that every moment, situation, and event has profound value...even if it doesn't seem like it.  Accept your inner majesty.  Be present.  You are magnificent and wondrous beyond measure.  Embrace all parts of yourself...It is an act of both power and faith to love, honour and accept what is.  At times it can be challenging to truly accept what's occurring in your life.  When you do so, however, you affirm that there's a plan for your life and that everything is working for your highest good.  Accepting 'what is' doesn't mean that you can't work to change it, because you can. It does mean that there is gentle, yet profound awareness that every experience can support your highest good and spiritual evolution.  If there is something you just can't accept, start by acknowledging the fact that you can't accept it.  As you increase your own acceptance in life, this will help others be at peace in their own lives."

My message for you today is this:
Denise's words in her message above are so true...  While there are certain aspects of our lives that we can control, there are many more that we can't. In these aspects, FAITH is the that the Universe dreams bigger dreams for us than we can envision for ourselves, at times.  When we accept our current situation, and understand that it is all part of 'the bigger picture', we relax into 'what is'. I could reside in the energy of bemoaning the fact that two of my children are currently living in Brazil, rather than in close proximity to me, as I believed would be the case; or I can accept what is, and even EMBRACE the circumstances for the blessings within them.  Due to my son, Jayden & daughter, Chelsea living in Brazil, my husband and I have met some wonderful people, and have traveled and seen places we would not have otherwise experienced!  It is very self-empowering to look to the blessings within 'what is'...  It is from this self-empowered place that we CAN make choices about how we will experience 'what is'; and thereby make changes or embrace the situation as it is at that moment in time.  To accept what is does not at all imply accepting defeat...rather, it means to acknowledge your power within the situation or circumstance; to acknowledge that the Universe means to support you; that you have it within you to not only 'deal with it' but understand that it is often in the interest of your Soul's greater good, if you look for the higher meaning.
Blessed be...

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