Thursday, December 12, 2013

Trustworthy Guidance & Notice the Signs

Two cards dropped out of the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue for your card reading today.  Those two cards are the 'Trustworthy Guidance' card and the 'Notice the Signs' card.  Doreen's messages for the cards are:

Trustworthy Guidance:
"You've received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers.  This idea is real and trustworthy.  You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way.  Ask for and be open to receiving our support for anything that you need related to this idea."

Notice the Signs:
"Yes, the signs you've been receiving are heaven-sent.  We drop feathers, coins, and other signs upon your path to remind you that you're loved and never alone."

My message for you today is this:
How beautiful that these two complimentary cards dropped out of the deck together for you today!  We DO receive our guidance in the form of 'signs' and synchronicities that appear in our lives and this is being validated for you today!  My son recently sent our family a photo of a wall hanging he had come across and just had to purchase for his reads:
"If you're looking for a sign, this is it!"  I LOVE IT!!!  Sometimes we get caught up in thinking that communication with our guides and angels has to be more complicated than it I've said so many times, our guides and angels WANT to be in communication with us, and so they will send us messages in ways that we as individuals will recognize.  All we need to do is to be open and aware and when we recognize something to be a message or sign, to give thanks for having received the message.  Your angels are indicating to you that you have received guidance from them recently and to trust in that guidance, while acknowledging that such guidance is generally subtle in the means by which it is delivered.  It is up to you to notice and recognize the signs and symbols being presented to you in communication. Seldom do we receive our Divine guidance by means of hearing a booming voice issuing a proclamation to us!  It is up to us to develop our own unique form of communication with our angelic team.  I have long recognized, on a Soul level, prior to ever having read any books on communicating with your angels, that when I saw a feather and it drew my conscious attention, it was a sign that my angels were with me...  At such times, I would just lovingly express my appreciation and say my little prayer of, "I say thanks, I say Amen".  Still, I am certain that there were times in my life that 'feathers were dropped for me' that I did not consciously recognize.  I will tell you that I doubt that would ever happen now!  As you set the INTENTION to develop a clear CONSCIOUS CONNECTION with the Divine, and to ask for guidance and assistance in your life, it will present in ways that you cannot help but notice, subtle as it may be.  Let me be clear in saying that the angels seldom employ only one means of communicating with us.  The more open we allow ourselves to be, the more diverse they can be in how they communicate with us.
Today, ask yourself where you KNOW you have received DIVINE GUIDANCE recently (do not 'over-think' this...simply accept the first thing that comes to mind).  Acknowledge the signs that were given and how the guidance was presented for you.  Give thanks for having been given the guidance, knowing that you thereby strengthen the line of communication. 
Trust. Allow. Receive... And so it is...
Blessed be...

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