Monday, December 30, 2013

Evolution ~ Herderite

Your card today is drawn from the 'Crystal Ally' card deck, authored by Naisha Aishan.  No surprise that we are beginning this week with a POWERFUL card of transformation!!!  Your card is the 'Evolution' card, which is aligned with the crystal 'Herderite'. Naisha's description of the crystal, Herderite, from her book, 'The Book of Stones', co-authored with Robert Simmons, is this:
"Herderite has come at this time as an extremely powerful tool for the evolution of human beings. While many stones until now have worked on the physical level as well as the spiritual, Herderite's purpose is to aid in making the physical shift to the higher planes...Herderite has surfaced at this time to aid humanity in the evolution of the brain...because of its effect on the brain it naturally stimulates psychic capacities and enhances one's ability to consciously process energetic information.  It has a particularly strong effect on the third-eye and crown chakras because it is so stimulating to these brain areas...It has come to assist humanity in activating areas of the brain that will assist us in integrating more and more high-frequency Light energies...Herderite is uplifting and enlightening..."

Naisha's message for the card is this:
"When Herderite appears as your Ally, you are being asked to acknowledge your part in the total evolution of humanity at this time in history.  Your choices and actions are like a drop in the pool, its ripples affecting everything else around it.  Are your current motions---your thoughts and actions---moving you toward a higher state of evolution?  Or are there ripples of past ways of being that need to be reformed or removed before you can experience your life on a higher level?
As with any Storm element card, Herderite heralds a time of great change.  When Herderite appears, it is telling you that this particular time of change is greatly directed by the thoughts and actions that you take.  You know in your heart the direction Spirit is asking you to move in.  If you accept Spirit's guidance, your actions will cause ripples in the entire fabric of humanity, moving the spiritual evolution of us all forward a step.
Chakra:  Seventh (crown) and etheric chakras
Affirmation:  I allow my physical self to align with my Higher Self now. "

My message for you today is this:
WOW! WOW! WOW!  What a powerful card to drop out of the deck for you as we begin the week and move into the energy of the upcoming New Moon on Wednesday, which falls on January 1st...the first day of the new year...DYNAMIC!  
As I stated many times, in 2013, we were COMPELLED and PROPELLED to step into our authentic selves and to get our feet firmly planted on our spiritual path.  This was due to the energies of the SHIFT, the global shift in consciousness which has been building and made a definite adjustment in December 2012.  Those sensitive to energy felt the chaotic and tumultuous energies that abounded in 2013, while understanding that it was all for 'the greater good' and that we are indeed moving in a 'positive direction'.
Today, as we move toward 2014, you are being reminded of how your personal 'shift' in consciousness...your choosing to live your life more from your 'Higher Self' and in connection with the far more impactful than you can even imagine!  Often we do not 'see' how our actions and 'way of being' trickle out to influence others.  DO NOT PLAY SMALL!  YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  This is what you are meant to hear today!  Take responsibility for the part that you play and get CLEAR with yourself about how you see yourself contributing to 'the greater good' will be asked to make just such a contribution in 2014.  When you 'shine your Light', you anchor more Light into the world and that is so necessary!
In 2013, you did a lot of 'releasement' and letting go of old ways and habits that no longer served you...while this is obviously an ongoing process in our lives, it was a powerful theme for many and most prevalent in 2013.  Now, when you look to 2014, understand that you have done a great deal of 'inner work' and you are now asked to strive to approach your life and relationships from your 'Higher Self', to the best of your ability.  Naisha has presented the energy of Herderite to support you in is not necessary to hold Herderite in your hand to experience the's energy and support are being offered to you through this reading and the card that came up for you today...   TRUST. ALLOW. BELIEVE. RECEIVE.
Blessed be...

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