Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Commitment & Power

Here we go!!! New Years Eve and the day before the Super New Moon on January 1st/14!!!
Can you feel the new moon energy already?  On that note, I was guided to choose from 2 decks for your reading today, and when I saw the 2 cards that literally dropped out onto the floor from each deck, and how they complimented and supported each other, I understood why I had been guided to do so!  Your first card is drawn from the 'Saints & Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue, and your card is the 'Commitment' card, which is aligned with 'Guardian Angel' energy.  Your second card is drawn from the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish, and your card is the 'Power' card.

Doreen's message for the 'Commitment' card is this:
"Although you may have experienced difficulties or fear, this card is a message from your Guardian Angel to stay committed. Honor your promises to your loved ones, and keep your word to yourself and others.  If you're feeling conflicted about having enough time for your responsibilities, then call upon the angels to help...Remember that you're ultimately in charge of your schedule.  You have the right to say no to requests that pull you away from your commitments.  Your angels can help you when you feel overwhelmed and overcommitted...Your Guardian Angels enfold you with their loving wings and help you enjoy yourself as you accomplish everything on your list."

Cheryl Lee's message for the 'Power' card is this:
"The Power card rules the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra.  This is where we experience our own sense of personal power.  If you have drawn this card today, it is because Spirit is asking you to focus on your own sense of personal power---and claim it. Have you been hiding from your power or afraid to own it?  Have you been feeling powerless or feeling you aren't strong enough?  It's time to focus on your solar plexus, and start to build your sense of personal power.  Sometimes there can be a drain from our solar plexus because we are unintentionally corded to another person---most often in close relationships. This energetic cord runs directly from our third chakra and attaches to the other person.  We unknowingly let others siphon off our power.  This can happen if we are enabling or trying to please someone.  It can also happen if we fear losing the love of that person or if we feel attacked in some way.  It is time for you to look closely at why this has happened to you and to ask your guides and angels to assist you with cutting that cord.  This card also comes if we are in fear of claiming our power; of standing tall and showing the world exactly who we are. Most often, we have had experiences in our early years where we personally witnessed the misuse of power or had someone attempt to diminish our own.  This was in the past though, and you know how power is not to be used.  You also know that not claiming your own power does not serve you.  It's time for you to claim YOU---to claim your life, and claim the fact that you are a powerful, incredible soul."

My message for you today is this:
Another powerful message for you on the heels of your message yesterday, and heading into the new year of new beginnings!  I don't believe that I have ever been guided to use 2 separate decks by 2 different authors for your daily reading, but we are in some magnificent energy right now!  I feel that the message these two cards are bringing to you today is to understand that 2014 is going to be a year where you will be asked to stand in your power and to share your own unique Light with the world and to remain committed to doing just that! There may be challenges, both on your time and your commitment to being your best self, but if you view these challenges as opportunities to 'recalibrate' and 'readjust' you will flow more easily through such situations and circumstances.  I have stated SO many times that standing in your own personal power DOES NOT IMPLY disempowering another!  We are leaving that competitive energy behind as we shift from the 'masculine' way of being into the cooperative, 'feminine' way of being as a society (masculine and feminine do not refer to gender in this instance).  Cheryl Lee referred to our possible past experiences with 'power' and how we learned from those experiences.  We are learning that claiming our own power---our own Light---is empowering to all around us, when we do so with Love.  Presenting the world with your BEST and HIGHEST SELF can only bring good to the world!  The commitment aspect of your message today is reminding you that to make a commitment to something means to make it a priority in your life.  Make standing in your power and shining your own unique Light a priority and commit to striving to do your best to do so.  We live in the physical and we are often pulled in many different directions by the circumstances of life. In those times when you are feeling overwhelmed, call on your guides and angels to assist you with finding your center and standing in your power and having the strength to PRIORITIZE and remain committed to what truly matters to you. 
It is also interesting that Cheryl Lee brought up etheric cords in her message...I recently received an email from a former student asking me some questions about etheric cords...she had read my posting on my 'Blog & Events' page on this site about etheric cords and had further questions.  As I know that there IS NO COINCIDENCE, only SYNCHRONICITY, I feel the need to point out today that it may be important for some of you reading this to go to that posting and read what I have written there about etheric cord cutting. I will be addressing some of Diane's questions in a further posting (thank you, Diane, for taking the time to ask the questions!), though not for a few days, as I will be busy with my own New Moon/New Year ceremonies over the next few days!  Let me say that, due to having been very involved with family and friend gatherings this time of year, etheric cords are prevalent!  If you are energetically sensitive, you may be feeling drained and fatigued, even if you have had your usual amount of rest, or you may be feeling a 'funk' that you know is not yours...  In this case, it is imperative that you take the time to 'cut cords'...check out my posting (you will have to scroll back to find it...I think it may have been posted in May?).  If you already know how to cut etheric cords, then this is your reminder to do so!  We want to enter into the amazing manifestation energy of the New Moon on January 1st all clean and clear and carrying our own energy!!! 
And remember...enter into 2014 with the COMMITMENT to stand in your POWER and to let your LIGHT shine!  Your bless the world by doing so!
Blessed be...

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