Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Return to Silence

Happy to say that I think I've turned a corner with this cold/flu!  Beginning to get some energy back and so look to this upcoming weekend for the BIG REVEAL about what I am so excited to share with you!  (Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! :-)

This is your card reading for Wednesday, February 15th/17.  Your card flipped over to revela itself in the 'Universal Wisdom' card deck, authored by Toni Carmine Salerno.  Your card is 'Return to Silence', and Toni's message for the card is this:
"This card has shown up in your reading today to remind you that the true essence of life exists not in the external world but within.  If there is confusion or trouble in your life at this time remember, the clarity you seek will not be found in the outside world.  Confusion is a result of scattered energy, the constant thoughts you emanate as you struggle to find answers.  Return to the peace and tranquility that exists deep in your heart and soul and all will seem clearer.  The harder you struggle, the more confused you will feel.  Life is not meant to be a struggle, so stop getting caught up in external events and start listening to your inner voice.  Meditate and you will discover a great sense of peace.  The clarity you seek is within you."

My message for you today is this:
When challenges present to us it is a common reaction, initially, to drop into the 'worst case scenario' in regards to outcome.  This is human nature for many.  Yet, if we seek to resolve any issue for the 'greater good of all', then we must strive to envision a positive resolution to conflicts that present in our lives.  Don't judge yourself if you spend a brief period of time in anger, self-defense, accusation, etc... Sometimes we have to run through this gamut of emotions almost as a form of 'releasing' them before we are prepared to truly see things from a 'higher perspective'.  When we are involved in some sort of disagreement or conflict--especially regarding those that we are in close relationship with---it is easy to allow the 'hurt' to cloud your understanding of what is actually happening.  The message today is that it is important that you take some time to separate yourself from the drama of the external conflict and seek understanding of what is REALLY happening on a deeper level, from the place of peace within yourself, in order to bring this disagreement to it's best possible resolution.  Acknowledge your role in this very real with yourself about this!
We have been---and continue to be---in such dynamic energies!  This is reflected in our relationships, also.  If you find yourself experiencing some challenges regarding a relationship at this time, you are advised to 'return to silence' and to envision a peaceful, positive outcome. Understand that in some cases this could mean that the relationship doesn't move forward; but if you have been of integrity and have honoured your personal Truth, without attempting to dishonour the other, then that is still a peaceful resolution and for the greater good of all.  The quote: "The words 'silent' and 'listen' have the same letters" comes to mind for your message today...allow yourself to be silent and listen to the guidance being offered you.  Choose to consciously step outside the chaos of the drama that may be happening in this relationship and strive to see the underlying issue that is seeking resolution.  Focus your attention upon the possibility of a mutually beneficial outcome for all concerned.  You CAN be the calm amidst the storm, even as you reside in your Truth.  The only actions you have any control over are your own.  Find that place of peace and clarity within yourself so that your actions are a reflection of your authentic Truth.
Blessed be...

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