Monday, February 27, 2017

Apple ~ Believe in your dreams

This is your card reading for Monday, February 27th/17.  Your card today dropped out of 'The Nature-Speak Oracle' deck, authored by Ted Andrews.  Your card is 'Apple ~ Believe in your dreams' and Ted's message for the card is this:
"The apple tree has many magical and healing characteristics and it is a source of great myth and lore.  Its spirit is strong, gentle, giving and playful.
The apple tree blossoms are fragrant, promoting happiness and success. Its presence is a reminder that you always have choices. And some of those choices can lead to great happiness.
Choose to follow your dreams. Believe in them. Their possibility has never been as strong as right now for you. Spirit is working with you to manifest those dreams. New realms are truly opening."

My message for you today is this:
Ted Andrews was an internationally recognized author, mystic, clairvoyant and spiritual medium who was very closely aligned with the natural world.  His book 'Animal-Speak', which is an excellent guide as to how animals act as spirit messengers for us, is one of my absolute 'go-to' guides!  Ted Andrews transitioned in October 2009, yet his books and teachings remain current.  This oracle deck by Ted Andrews just came into my possession, and I LOVE the energy of it!  Nature is a wonderful 'grounding agent' that Mother Earth offers to us. Ted has broken this oracle deck up into 4 'suits': Landscape Oracles, Flower Oracles, Tree Oracles, and Season & Climate Oracles.  I didn't separate the suits for your reading today, but merely left the deck in tact and allowed whatever card to reveal itself for your message today. The Apple tree card aptly presented. Trees absolutely hold their own energetic vibration! I know that many of you have experienced this as you have walked about or traveled through forested or treed areas.  As we have traveled extensively through the southern states on our motorcycle, I have literally fallen in love with the energy of the giant Oak trees that we often encountered in our travels! (And when I read Ted's message in the guide book for this deck, I now understand why I am so drawn to the Oak tree energy!)
We remain in the 'afterglow' of yesterdays New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Continue to focus upon what it is that you now wish to manifest or draw into your life. You have done a lot of intense 'clearing' over the past month, in order to invite in what it is that you now desire. 
I have 3 beautiful angel wall hangings displayed together here in my home, that were made for me by my friend, Kathy Lloyd.  They say, 'Trust', 'Allow', and 'Believe'.  You have no doubt read these words in the messages I share with you here, a multitude of times!  These are key words, in working with Spirit, in my opinion!  Trust that Spirit is indeed communicating with you; allow the guidance to come to you; and then believe in the guidance that you receive.  You are currently in the 'believe' aspect of moving forward! 
BELIEVE that the Universe is indeed conspiring in your favour, when you are striving to live your life consciously and in alignment with your Soul's guidance. Though we may still be in the throes of winter here in Alberta, allow the energies being offered you by the Apple tree in this oracle card to support you in believing in your dreams.  You may even want to actually eat an apple!  Savour it, and give thanks!  This quote speaks so perfectly to your message today:  "A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible. ~Anonymous~"  It's time to plant your seeds!!!
Blessed be...

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