Friday, September 23, 2016


This is your card reading for Friday, September 23rd/16.  Your card spun out of the 'Wealth & Wisdom' card deck, authored by my friend, Jaden Sterling ( Your card is 'Visualize', and Jaden's message for the card is this:
"The Universe is reminding you that what your mind can conceive and believe you can achieve.
Invest 10 minutes a day (morning and night) creating a clear, vivid, detailed mental picture of something you desire.  While visualizing see yourself achieving your desired result and feel the feelings that come from receiving it.
Create a vision board filled with pictures and words of the things you desire. Invest time in looking at it everyday, then close your eyes and visualize yourself already having received that which you desire."

My message for you today is this:
So, as we close out the week, the theme for your messages has become most evident! 
You are being strongly encouraged to take your life by the reins! This quote restates what Jaden has shared with us in his message above:
"Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint, and begin to build." ~Robert Collier~
And this quote by Jim Carrey speaks to how he has utilized visualization in his life:
"I would visualize things coming to me.  It would just make me feel better. Visualization works if you work hard. That's the thing. You can't just visualize and go make a sandwich."
Love that! 
Now is the time, as we move into a new season, to get really clear about what it is that you intend to experience in your life.  You are being advised that visualization is an effective means of bringing your intentions into being. You are also being advised that TAKING ACTION is a key component to visualization. 
I have shared on my Facebook page that I was honoured to be a speaker at the International Angel Day event on September 11th/16 in Calgary. In preparing for my talk, I absolutely employed the technique of visualization, as I have every time I have had to speak publicly.  I didn't know, as I rehearsed and visualized, all of the details of the event, such as: exactly how many people would be there; who would actually be there; the time of day that I would speaking, exactly how the room and stage would be set up, the sound system I would be working with, etc...  My primary intention, in giving this talk, was to experience a strong connection with the be vulnerable enough to share with them WHO I AM (since I was speaking about being your authentic self)!   THAT is what I visualized, as I rehearsed...the response the audience would have to the words I was sharing.  I wanted to be rehearsed enough in the CONTENT of what I wanted to share in my talk, that I didn't have to focus on 'remembering' what I wanted to say; so that the audience could RELATE to what I was sharing.  What I am trying to illustrate by sharing this event in my life, is that when we employ visualization in our lives to create what we desire, it is not necessary that we try to script EVERY aspect of the experience---much of the event was beyond my control. What I did, was to visualize the outcome I desired, and I took the action steps---in rehearsing as I visualized---to make it happen.  I am grateful that I achieved what I had visualized for that speech, and that it happened as I had 'seen' gratifying! 
What area of your life would benefit right now from utilizing visualization?  It could be in regards to mending or improving a relationship; achieving better health or fitness; career goals; finances, etc.  The more specific you are in your intent, the more specific the Universe can be in delivering. 
The key to visualization is to see it as though you are already experiencing it...THAT is the energy that actually draws it into your experience, and that is the 'belief' aspect that is necessary in manifesting.  I have said it here so many times, and I truly do believe it: 
The Universe is conspiring in your favour.  Employ visualization to show the Universe what it is that you desire!
Blessed be... 

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