Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Universal Law of Emotion

This is your card reading for Wednesday, August 17th/16.  Your card today skimmed quickly out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Emotion' and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Emotion states that emotion is energy in motion, and your ability to feel and express emotion is also your ability to influence the movement of energy.  Your emotions are a powerful force that you can use to experience individuality and to fuel your thoughts into creation.  You are the pure, intelligent essence directing your emotions; you are not your emotions.  Pay attention to what you feel because whatever you are feeling will gradually shape the conditions in your life, which will show up as physical things, people, events, and circumstances.  You guide the quality of what manifests in your life by determining the quality of the feelings you entertain.  The Universe is reminding you that you have the power to choose to feel badly, or you can choose to feel good.  You do not need an external reason to cause you to feel good.  You can simply make the decision to feel good.  The Universe will respond to the vibration of that positive inner feeling by manifesting more experiences in your life that make you feel good.  Learn what methods enable you to shift your emotions more quickly and easily; apply these techniques whenever you need to.  How you feel will determine what you attract into your life.  If you pulled this card, the Universe is encouraging you to be happy now.  Don't wait for things to be different before you allow yourself to feel good.  Choose, instead, to radiate joy, no matter what you are currently experiencing.  The more you commit to feeling good, regardless of your circumstances, the more good things will appear in your life."

My message for you today is this:
Panache Desai, a current New Age thought leader, often proclaims that there are no 'good' or 'bad' emotions...that emotions are simply 'energy in motion', and that they serve as 'guideposts' in our lives when we strive to live our lives consciously.  He advises that we must not DENY our emotions, as though it is wrong to have them; but rather, acknowledge what we are feeling, allow ourselves to feel it (even strong emotions like rage or grief), and then look to how this emotion may serve to guide us or teach us.  We are meant---in this physical experience---to entertain a myriad of emotions.  Even rage may serve us. Sometimes  the emotion of rage has inspired profound change, as we have witnessed historically (the Civil Rights movement in the United States, for example).  If you were merely feeling slightly agitated, you may not be motivated to make the changes that are necessary in moving your life in a more positive direction.  It is NOT the emotion itself that is 'positive' or 'negative', but rather the actions that you choose to take in regards to the emotion you are experiencing.  For example:  you may feel envy toward an aspect of your friend or acquaintance's life.  You may choose to just dwell in that feeling of envy in a 'woe is me', martyr-like way; or you may choose to take action to bring that which you envy into your own life experience.  You may feel rage when you witness mistreatment of another. You may choose to merely reside in that rage, and wallow in it; or you may do what you can to either end that mistreatment you witnessed, or ensure that it doesn't happen to another.
If you are feeling fear, look to whether or not that fear is rational and valid, and to what is motivating that emotion.  Perhaps that fear is directing you to make some important changes in your life. 
The point here is that there are no 'right' or 'wrong' emotions; but that emotions are very powerful, energetically.  Do not drop into self-judgment when you experience powerful emotions.  Rather, acknowledge the emotion; allow yourself to FEEL it, and to have it flow through you, but do not reside in it; then understand that you can CONSCIOUSLY utilize the energy of this emotion as a positive influence in your life---no matter the emotion.  
We are not meant to feel 'happy' all of the time!  We live in a world of duality and flux. 
Everything is energy and energy is constantly in motion...ever changing.  You attract to yourself, that which is in alignment with you vibrationally...which is why you are advised to acknowledge emotions you may deem 'undesirable', but not DWELL in them. 
Your message today is an empowering one.  While it may seem as though you are not always in control of the circumstances and experiences in your life---especially the challenging ones---or the emotions that these experiences evoke; you ARE in control of how you choose to respond and react to them.   There is a quote that says: "Choose to be better, not bitter."  I know of people who have survived some serious challenges in their life experiences, but who are now in a better place in their life than they have ever been or that they had once thought possible for themselves. Had they chosen to reside in the emotions of those challenging times---and for those emotions to become energetic 'blocks'---rather than utilizing those emotions to affect positive change; their current life circumstances would be very different. 
The Universal Law of Emotion is advising you that you can either take the stance of victimhood in regards to your emotions; or you can take the stance of consciously utilizing your emotions to inspire and guide you in living an authentic life.  Allow your emotions to flow through you and allow yourself to derive the message they carry for you.  In so doing, you release the emotion and make space for that which your Soul desires to draw into your life experience. Keep this in mind...the power of LOVE is the highest vibration of all.
Blessed be...  

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