Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I am THRILLED to be returning to posting your daily card readings!  Thank you for your patience, as I was incredibly busy with preparation for our daughter and son-in-law's wedding celebration here on our farm on July 9th; our Brazilian guests before, during and after the celebration; and then some much needed R & R, including riding our Harley home from Arizona and then our annual lake holiday at Mara Lake, BC.  The wedding celebration was wonderful, despite the weather; it was great to meet and get to know our son-in-law's Brazilian friends and family; and our bike trip and lake holiday have left me feeling rejuvenated and EXCITED to be posting here, once again! 
Your card today dropped quickly out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Surfacing', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Every time we allow ourselves to step out beyond our boundaries or find a way to get past our fears, the entire Universe celebrates.  It isn't easy to let the world see us, and Spirit knows this.  But we are here to allow our true expression and to allow the deepest parts of ourselves to rise to the surface--to be seen and shared.  The Surfacing card comes when we are about to face the challenge of stepping up and stepping out into the world. 
You could be asked to speak publicly, give a presentation, perform, release a novel, or anything which involves putting yourself out there.  Whatever it is that is going to be asked of you will involve shining your soul's light in some way, for others to see.  You might be feeling scared as hell and wanting to run as fast as your legs will carry you. But this is why the Universe has given you this card today.  Look carefully at the image.  There are hundreds of tiny bubbles rising to the surface.  Take a moment to energetically feel the colors.  There is a lot of joy in there.  This is Spirit's way of reassuring you that this process brings with it much joy and celebration.  This is part of your soul, doing what it has come here to do. You just have to get past yourself first.
The Surfacing card can also come if we have been brave and expressed our truth in some way.  It comes if we have shared a part of ourselves, our gifts, or our talents.  Spirit is here to acknowledge you and your bravery.  Every time you allow the expression of your soul, it is a cause for celebration!
There is a whole lot more to you, just below the surface.  These are aspects of yourself which you are not fully conscious of yet. When the Surfacing card comes, it means that these hidden qualities are about to rise to the surface.  Enjoy this time of self discovery."

My message for you today is this:
Just....WOW!  Can I ever relate personally to the message today!  I have shared here that I have had the honour of being asked to speak at International Angel Day at Grey Eagle Resort on Sunday, September 11th...you know the part where Cheryl Lee states in her message: "...You might be scared as hell and wanting to run as fast as your legs will carry you..."  Yep!  That is pretty much what I am currently feeling!!!  When I agreed to this speaking engagement, I had an absolute KNOWING that the Universe was presenting this opportunity to me for some reason and that I must say 'yes'.  This 'knowing' was simultaneous with the thought, 'why me'?  In addition, when I was first presented with this opportunity, my life was EXTREMELY busy, and I had no time to truly grasp what it was that I had let myself in for.  Having said that, even as I was speaking to Cindy when she asked me to speak at IAD, parts of what I needed to say were already 'coming to me', which further validated that I was meant to agree to speak. Bottom line...this 'far away' event is quickly becoming a reality to me, and I am honestly petrified and excited at the same time. 
I know you know what I mean by that, and that you have experienced this strange combination of emotions at times in your life.  What's most 'scary' for me, in some ways is that the Universe is pushing me to truly step boldly out of that 'psychic closet' that I had protectively placed myself in over the past 2 decades of studying and developing my abilities. I know that the MOST important thing for me to do will be to be fully MYSELF, to be authentic, and to be vulnerable enough to share with others what I had kept safely hidden away for so many years...my spirituality, which is sacred to me.  I honestly do not know WHY this challenge has been presented to me, but I have learned that these experiences present for us for reasons that will become clear to us later, and that Spirit dreams bigger dreams for us than we would ever dare dream for ourselves, sometimes.  So...I will trust in that...that I am meant to take on this challenge, for my Soul's advancement...as scary as it truly is!  
The Universe and your Spirit advisors will absolutely push you outside your comfort zone in order that you reach your Soul's potential and step into expressing all that you came here to be.  It need not be in the form or public speaking or have anything to do with a large group setting to be hugely impactful!  Like ripples in the water's surface from just one action, your Soul and your actions may carry to others, blessings beyond your immediate observance.
This card today is coming to you to remind of your importance here...that sharing WHO you are is WHY you are here.  Be brave enough to share your unique gifts...whatever they may be.  You have been working at developing your gifts and abilities and you are now being asked to share them...perhaps even PUSHED to share them.  Yes...it IS scary to be vulnerable and to risk judgment or condemnation when you allow your true self to be seen; but then, does it feel GOOD when you are not being your authentic self?  When do YOU experience JOY?  When you have had the courage to take that chance, I'll bet! We are constantly evolving and growing in the expression of ourselves.  Today you are being notified that you have reached a point in your evolution, where it is time for you to embrace and share authentically with others.  When opportunities present, lovingly embrace them. Dare to be you! 
Blessed be...

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