Wednesday, May 27, 2015


This is your card reading for Wednesday, May 27th/15.  Your card sprung out of the 'Awakening of the Divine' goddess card deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes.
Your card is 'Hestia ~ Eternal Light', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"Do you recognize the eternal light in others?  Is your own eternal light shining brightly or have you dimmed your light due to fear?  Are you ready to burn away old past life patterns of being one in harmony?  Do you still have some past life fear of allowing your light to be seen and your wisdom to be heard?
Hestia is a Greek goddess known as the keeper of the flame.  She is a virgin goddess of the hearth, home and chastity.  She is the daughter of Rhea and Cronus and sister to Zeus. Her symbols are the hearth and the kettle.
Hestia's message to all is that it's time to burn away the ancient veil that has been keeping the eternal flame sacred and invisible to others.  She is inviting you to give her permission to burn away all that was symbolically placed over the origin of the flame of the eternal light.  It is now time to connect to this eternal flame that is connected to the origin of all life.  This flame lies deep within the core of our Divine mother.  
This card may come as an affirmation to you that now is the time to accept your role as a light bearer for the human collective.  You may have been getting messages that its time to let your light shine brightly for all to see your authentic self.  No more dimming your light, letting others control your decisions and thoughts.  You are a strong leader and it's time to share your love with the divine.
Your solar plexus chakra (power center) represents your hearth within.  Now is the time to remember your infinite connection to the eternal light and feel the strong expansion of your power center as you ignite your own eternal light from the source of Hestia.  Don't be afraid to shine brightly so that other light bearers can step forward connecting to the infinite circle of light.  This will in turn invite others to come out of the darkness trusting infinitely that they are safe in this lifetime.  
It is time to come out of hiding.  Mother Earth needs all of us to accept our role in lifting the darkness and embracing the trust in the light.  We will use our past life wisdom as tools for teaching others to expand and awaken in the light.  Hestia is inviting anyone who isn't yet awakened to stand in the circle of light releasing his or her fear and feeling the support of oneness.
You can also use the visual of the flame to burn away any fear that you have of allowing your wisdom and light to be seen and heard by others.  Doing this visual during a full moon using the girasol quartz crystal upon your solar plexus chakra will burn away the veil of fear within.
CRYSTAL:  Girasol Quartz

My message for you today is this:
Fire is dispells the darkness, literally!  Fire has long been utilized as a tool for 'releasing' and 'clearing' in order to allow for resurrection or to create the space for the 'new' to come in.  Recall the well known quote about the Phoenix rising from the ashes. 
Fire is transformative.  And the spark of Divinity that is within you resides in your Solar Plexus Chakra---the control center of your body.  
Today, align with that Divine spark and visualize it expanding within you and then emanating from your body.  Share your LIGHT!  
Interesting how this card presented for you a week prior to the Full Moon on June 2nd...see this as an opportunity to approach the energy of that Full Moon (in Sagittarius) with the intention of releasing fully that which holds you back from fully shining your Light...
Blessed be...

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