Friday, May 15, 2015


This is your card reading for Friday, May 15th/15.  Your card bolted out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Caretaker', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are an endless giver.  If anyone has a need or requires assistance in any way, you are right there to help.  Essentially, you are an Earth Angel.  Every life you touch is made better---whether you know it or not.  Your heart is big, and the support and love you give is even bigger.  You are one of the souls who are here to either nurture the world or the people in it. 
However, there comes a time when we have to consider our own needs over others.  We have to make our own well-being a priority, even if that means it may not please others. You have to come first right now.  Although it may feel as if it is going against your very nature to do so, it is vital that you put yourself first.  Your physical and emotional well-being needs to be nurtured and maintained.  This ensures that when you do give to someone else, what you give has substance.  
Your personal value cannot be defined solely in what, or how much, you give to others. Your value and worth as a person come from all the incredible qualities that make you, YOU. Maybe this is the time you finally say 'no' or create a boundary.  In some way, it is time to give to yourself, and restore a balance in your life.
You are a beautiful soul with much to give, and a beautiful soul who deserves to receive.  If there is something you need, or if you could use a little assistance, Spirit is encouraging you to allow others the opportunity to give to you.  You know from your own experience how good it feels to give.  So now you need to give the ultimate gift, and allow someone else to give to you.  It's time to allow the caretaker to be taken care of."

My message for you today is this:
I took the picture of your card with the book 'True Friend' on purpose this morning!  The message for you is to be a true friend to YOURSELF!  Just as you would lovingly reach out to a friend you needed your assistance in any way, the Universe is asking you to do the same for your own sweet soul and to recognize the needs that YOU have at this time.  
In these vignettes of her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast', Elizabeth Peru says that today is a good day for: "Self-care and self-love...Under this cosmic influence you are called to change any situations that disempower you...Stand up for YOU right now...Make the changes the Universe is so supporting you to do...It's a powerful 24 hours."
So...first I selected intuitively the deck for today's reading; then, as always, I held the deck fanned out against my heart chakra and prayed over it; then I shuffled the deck and a card dropped out of the deck to reveal itself; and THEN as I was typing my message to you, I was inspired to look to Elizabeth's message for us today, which synchronizes wonderfully with what your card presents, as well.  Do you see how the Universe conspires to support us?  Beautiful...
Keep in mind, as a caretaker, that is the role that others are used to seeing you in and experiencing you in...therefore, when you step out of that role, even briefly, this may throw those around you off kilter.  'What do you mean you aren't able to (fill in the blank) for me right now?  But I need you to do this for me!'  This does not mean that the person who is thrown off kilter does not legitimately love and care for you, but rather that your current pattern of behavior is not what they are used to experiencing with be prepared for their possible (and probable) reaction.  No need to defend your actions or your inability to do as they ask at the time...just lovingly state that you aren't able to do that right now.  Be a true friend to YOURSELF, and honour your needs.  
Being a caretaker is an integral aspect of who you are, and this is not meant to criticize or downplay that wonderful part of's message is simply stating that you need to take the same care of YOURSELF as you do of others.  You cannot share water with another if your glass is empty. Do not GIVE of yourself to the point of depletion---that is not true GIVING, but rather is SACRIFICE---very different energetically!  Learn to recognize when you are giving in a way that is healthy for yourself and the other and when you need to pull back and take care of yourself.  Set healthy boundaries and learn when to say 'no'.
This is an important lesson for you in this lifetime, and you are being so supported by the Universe in integrating this lesson for yourself at this time!
Remember not to lay the 'blame' on anyone else if you are feeling is up to YOU to lovingly take care of YOU.  Once you integrate this knowing, those around you will honour you in this way, also. will take some time and adjustment, but that is the way of any and all worthwhile change, isn't it?  Be your own TRUE your own caretaker!
Blessed be...

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