Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Worthy ~ Super New Moon!

This is your reading for Wednesday, February 18th/15---and today is Super New Moon! 
Your card shot out of the fractal art 'Return of Spirit' deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. How appropriate that your card is 'Worthy', on this Super New Moon day!  Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are one of the loving spirits who has come to be in service to humanity this life time. This strong desire and need to give to your fellow man is embedded deep within your soul's blueprint.  You play an important role in the cosmic plan.  This card has come to you today as Spirit's way of giving you a much needed reminder---that you hold a great worth and value.  
You can no longer question whether you are worthy or if you have value in this world.  We all look to our physical world for confirmation.  We question whether we are good enough, wanted, and needed.  We want the world to tell us that we are doing well and that it wants what we have to offer. But your value and worth cannot come from anyone or anything outside of you.
Just as you are, right now in this moment---you are enough.  It is time for you to begin to understand you own worth and value.  Spirit is asking that you start now, to understand just how important you are.  Begin by asking yourself:  How much would you value someone who was as kind to you, as you are to others?  If you met a person whose inner heart was as caring and loving as yours, would you value them in your life?  If someone gave to you, as you give to others, would you value it?  Of course you would.
You need to see yourself.  See just how valuable you really are.  Your worth does not come from what you do or how you behave.  Your worth comes from the fact that you are part of the God-Source.  Once you fully realize this, you will play an invaluable role in helping others to discover their own worth too."

My message for you is this:
Super Moon' denotes that the Moon is at it's closest approach to the Earth for the month, in conjunction with the Moon being Full or New.  This is NOT a common cosmic occurrence, and the fact that we will be experiencing 3 Super New Moons in this 'conscious action year' of 2015 is significant!  While the energy and impact of New Moons is generally that of 'manifestation' and focusing upon what it is that you wish to 'pull into' your life experience; each New Moon also holds it's own unique energies, as influenced by the surrounding cosmic energies at the time.  As Elizabeth Peru, of DeltaWaves states:
"This New Moon is asking for a RE-SET ON A VERY PERSONAL AND YET GLOBAL LEVEL.  You will be breaking free, feeling independent and drawing forward the highest vision for your life.  Where in your life could you trust your instinct and create what you desire...Simply know that you are being asked to make big gestures right.  Follow through with what feels important for you."
The image of your card was photographed purposely today with 3 Rose Quartz hearts---the stone of unconditional Love; and with a Clear Quartz sphere---a stone of Light and a natural amplifier of the energies of crystals that it is in proximity with. The Divine wants you to know that you are WORTHY, simply by BEING.  Yet, so often we allow our struggles with worthiness to hold us back from seeking out and reaching for our greatest potential.  Trust me...every person on the face of the Earth---including those who have seemingly achieved great things---has had moments of feeling unworthy or having self-doubt.  Your message today is not to suggest that you will never again experience such feelings, but that you may no longer RESIDE in those feelings. The energy of this Super New Moon is offering you the opportunity to sit fully in your WORTHINESS---if only for today---and to allow yourself to experience how that feels for you.  You are being asked to 're-set' your vision of and for yourself and to embody the knowing that you ARE WORTHY. Not only are you worthy, but you are being called to action to follow through on those things that feel important to you.  In the future, when you encounter those moments of self-doubt and unworthiness, consciously acknowledge them and see them for what they illusion.  To embrace and embody your WORTHINESS does not mean that you stand in EGO---quite the opposite.  When you embrace your worthiness, you honour the Divine who created you, just as you are.  
As you gaze upon the Super New Moon tonight, allow yourself to feel it's rays permeate and 'enlighten' you; and encourage you, in turn, to 'shine your Light' as the Divine intended you to.
Blessed be... 

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