Friday, June 20, 2014

Triumphant ~ Guardian Angel

This is your daily card reading for Friday, June 20th/14.  Your card jumped out of the 'Saints & Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Triumphant' card, which is aligned with the energy of your Guardian Angel, as each card in this deck is obviously aligned with a Saint or specific Angel.  Doreen's message for your card today, is this:
"You'll be triumphant, and your desires will manifest.  Any obstacles that you've been experiencing are temporary.  Your guardian angels are taking care of the details to remove them from your path.  Don't worry about the appearance of challenges, because they're just an illusion that will soon disappear.  If you worry excessively about these issues, you'll fuel them with power and energy...
This is an especially important time for you to stay in steady contact with God and your angels.  Sometimes, when we are under stress, we forget to pray and ask for Heaven's help--yet these are the times when it's best for us to enlist the assistance of our Creator and celestial guides.  It's your Angel's great pleasure to help you navigate along a smooth path. They know that you'll grow faster in a peaceful setting, just as a plant grows strongest with the optimal nutrients, sunlight, and water.  Your life is becoming more stable with a quieter form of excitement.  The drama of obstacles is now a thing of the past."

My message for you today is this:
As I was shuffling the deck for your reading today, MULTIPLE cards dropped and jumped out of the deck simultaneously, and ALL were aligned with GUARDIAN ANGEL energy!  There are 44 cards in this deck, and the cards are each aligned with specific Saints (including St. Nicholas, St. Anthony, St. Francis, St. Bernadette, St. Hildegard, and more) and Archangels or your Guardian Angel. To have ALL cards that dropped/jumped out be aligned with Guardian Angel energy, makes it very clear that your Guardian Angel wishes to capture your conscious attention today!
Tomorrow, June 21st, is Summer Solstice---a time of great Light for us here in the Northern Hemisphere---the brightest day of the year.  It would seem that the clouds and rain that we have been experienced have passed and the skies are now clear and blue as the Sun shines upon us.  Take in this Light, while understanding that the clouds and rain served you, also.  I would say that, at times, challenges appear because of the learnings and lessons within them, that are key to our moving forward in the BEST possible way, and for our Greater Good, although that may be difficult to identify until we have the gift of 'hindsight' to shed Light upon the situation or circumstance.  Perhaps the lesson was not to rush slow down, be still and to center ourselves so that we can get a 'feel' for how we need to next proceed.  Perhaps an outcome that we truly thought we desired was blocked because there was an even better result 'in the works' for us, that we couldn't see, yet.  Your Guardian Angel has presented VERY STRONGLY for you today, to assure you that you are already TRIUMPHANT, in regards to whatever situation or circumstance first comes to mind for you today.  
Your Guardian Angel is reminding you, also, of the Law of Free Will---you must ASK for Divine assistance in order for your spiritual assistants to assist or intervene in your life.  Call upon your Guardian Angel to guide, assist and support you in moving forward with ease and grace.  As always, pay attention and be conscious and aware of the Divine guidance and support that is sent your way.  Your Guardian Angel is a beautiful, loving gift from the Creator to support you in this Earthly experience...embrace and utilize all the gifts your Guardian Angel has to offer, by ASKING for assistance (remember that Angels are governed by the Law of Free Will, and cannot intervene in our lives without our permission).  Know that you are triumphant---and supported!
Blessed be...

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