Friday, June 27, 2014

Manifestation ~ Citrine

This is your daily card reading for Friday, June 27th/14...New Moon this evening!  Your card today dropped to the floor from the 'Crystal Ally Cards' deck, authored by Naisha Aishan.  Your card is the 'Citrine~ Manifestation' card, and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"When Citrine appears in your layout, you are being asked to take a good look at what you are creating at the moment.  What are the beliefs, thoughts and desires that are creating the present situation for you?  Remember, you will manifest whatever it is that you hold most in your mind and energy.  Are your words and actions consistent with what you want to create?
Citrine has appeared today as your Ally, in order to aid you in clarifying what it is you truly want to manifest.  Open yourself to its guidance and to the Divine Will.  Allow yourself to become a channel for the creations that the Universe is sending you.  When you align yourself with these sources of higher guidance, you will learn to manifest only those things that are for the highest good of all concerned.  In this way, you will begin to see each creation you birth onto the Earth plane as a manifestation of Light, and an expression of joy.
CHAKRA:  Sacral and Solar Plexus
AFFIRMATION:  I co-create in harmony with the Divine Will."

My message for you today is this:
I love it!  This is the perfect card to present for you today---we are in the energy of the New Moon this evening---New Moon is powerful manifestation energy and the energy of the crystal, Citrine, supports manifestation, also!
Your card today is pictured with a Citrine crystal singing bowl from our inventory, whose tone is that of the Solar Plexus chakra---such bowls are powerful and rare!  When these crystal bowls are created, you cannot predetermine the 'tone' that they will produce.  The intention is set to create a crystal bowl infused with Citrine, for example, and when the bowl is complete, then you measure the tone that the bowl produces, which will align with a specific chakra. To have a Citrine (manifestation, personal will, mental clarity, creativity) bowl hold the Solar Plexus chakra tone is a powerful combination!  We know that the Solar Plexus chakra is the 'control center'---our place of personal power, located in our mid-section, above the navel and below the chest.  It's color is yellow, like the shining sun. Citrine is a crystal that aligns very well with, and supports this chakra.  I will play this Citrine bowl today, with the INTENTION of utilizing it's energy in conjunction with the wonderful manifestation energy of the New Moon, to bring in Universal support and assistance in manifesting consciously what those of you reading this today, determine you desire to draw into your life.  So please take the time on this day, to reflect upon what you most desire to manifest in your life.  It would serve you to write down your desires, because to do so 'anchors' in your thoughts and brings them to the physical, I assists you in bringing clarity and personal will to your request(s).
It is an abundant Universe that we reside in and there is plenty enough for is only our perception of lack that expresses otherwise.  You deserve to experience this abundance! Ask for your desired outcome with joyous anticipation!  Take guided action, as the Universe presents to you the opportunities and people that will bring your longings to fruition.  Above all else...TRUST, ALLOW, BELIEVE...
Blessed be...

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