Monday, March 31, 2014


Your card today was drawn from the 'Healing With the Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Dreams' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Pay attention to your dreams right now.  Keep a dream journal."

My message for your card today is this:
Wow!  Have you been experiencing a lot of lucid dreaming recently as well as vivid dream recall?  Lucid dreaming means to BE AWARE that you are dreaming, while in the dream state.  So, you may be having some sort of strange experience in your dream and then while STILL in the dream state you realize that, 'Hey, I am dreaming this', yet you remain in the dream state.    This is a natural phenomenon, and can actually be fun and informative!  As for vivid dream recall; that is when you wake up to remember graphically all the intricate details from the dream you had, and for a few moments, it's as though your are still 'in it'.  When you are fully awake, and the conscious mind takes over, you will retain those details briefly, but not for long.  That is why some people keep a 'dream journal' by their bedside, so that they can record the images and details of a dream and then look for messages that may have been conveyed within the dream.  I have spoken many times about the 'cosmic energies' that influence our Earthly experience.  I do not claim, in any way, to have in depth understanding about the cosmos, solar flares, planetary alignments, etc---but I DO know that I feel energetic shifts and that those energies absolutely impact my life.  (I am SO grateful to Elizabeth Peru and Brenda Brush, and others, who lovingly share their knowledge of and understanding of the cosmic energies, so that we can utilize these energies and move through them with ease and grace!)  During certain cosmic events, our dream experiences can be intensified, and we have been in just such energy recently...
We experienced wonderful Black Moon energy yesterday evening!  When there is a second New Moon within a calendar month, it is called a 'Black Moon'---there was a New Moon on March 1st/14 and then again on March 30th/14.  January also had a Black Moon (New Moons on January 1st and January 30th).  To have a Black Moon in January and then the following March is astrologically very rare and yesterday's Black Moon was (and IS...the New or Full Moon energy impacts us for 24 hours either side of it) POWERFUL!  I have stated before that New Moon energy is typically manifestation energy (Full Moon energy is characteristically about releasement and letting go...New Moon about manifestation and new beginnings).  This Black Moon's energy is COMPELLING us to take action and to follow our DREAMS!  THAT is the other aspect of your message today!  There is great potential to make big changes---you are being called to action!  Can you feel it?  Be brave, be bold and be audacious enough to ask from the Universe what you DREAM for yourself!  Take guided action in bringing your thoughts and desires (some of which may have been revealed to you in the dream state!) into reality!  YOU CAN DO IT! You are SO supported!
Blessed be...

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