Thursday, March 6, 2014

Crystal Clear Intentions ~ Archangel Michael

Your card today is drawn from the 'Archangel Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Crystal Clear Intentions' card, which is aligned with Archangel Michael's energy.  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Archangel Michael:  Be clear about what you desire, and focus upon it with unwavering faith."

My message for you is this:
Archangel Michael's name means 'He who is like God' and he is known as the supreme protector and the archangel who assists us with life purpose.  Many experience his aura as royal purple in color. A crystal said to align with his energy is Sugilite.
Michael's message for you today is that you need to get CLEAR about what it is that you desire to manifest in your life.  Lightworkers are feeling compelled to really step onto their spiritual path...much like there is an unseen force urging them to 'get real about what it is they are truly here on Earth to do'.  This is a very common theme for 2014.  Archangel Michael wants you to know today, that you have ALWAYS been living in your purpose and that your life purpose is not a destination to be reached for, but rather, a journey, which will take you along various paths during the course of your life.  What you are feeling though, with the energetic SHIFT that we are in, is the need to step more CONSCIOUSLY into your spiritual mission or purpose.  What came before led you here.  You now have a greater understanding of how you are meant to be of service and you are being supported by the Universe in taking the action steps necessary to move in that direction.  Have FAITH that you are supported, even if that is not evident to you at this very moment in time.  Trust that everything will unfold as it should, and that the Law of Attraction is a very real Universal Law that is at play here.  Your role is to be real with yourself as you go within, and to be clear about what it is you wish to manifest; to trust that you are supported (even if you don't see tangible evidence of that at this time); to take the guided action steps presented to you; to have faith that 'all is well'; to understand and KNOW that there is abundance for all and that what you desire is absolutely available to you!  
Call upon Archangel Michael to assist you with feeling safe, protected and guided as you seek to manifest your Soul's desire... 'Rome wasn't built in a day' and Archangel Michael reminds you of this.  Embrace the 'urgency' you may feel to 'follow your Soul's dream' for yourself, while understanding that the word 'journey' means to 'move from one place to another'...every journey is made up of steps taken and Michael reminds you to embrace the journey itself for all that it is, rather than missing out on where you are now because all you see is where you want to go!  To set crystal clear intentions for the future does not mean that you don't relish in the present moment (that's what having FAITH is all about)!  
Blessed be...

1 comment:

  1. This is just what I needed to hear, but I am not good at creating "crystal-clear intentions"...I am good at fretting, and being aggravated by those things I have no control over...yet I AM on my path, there are just a bunch of the journey is indeed to work around the obstacles, and accept them as what I am supposed to work through, not begrudge them for being in my way. And be joyful that I am finally clear as to this current purpose!
