Friday, November 11, 2016

Revealing Radiance

This is your card reading for Friday, November 11th/16---Remembrance Day---
LEST WE FORGET!  And as we honour our veterans on Remembrance Day, let us remember to honour and give thanks to their family members who also made the supreme sacrifice, in watching their loved ones head off to war!  Sacrifice was made in so many ways and on so many levels to ensure our freedom and quality of life.  With deepest gratitude to the veterans who served on our behalf; and to the family members who loved, prayed for, and who sometimes sadly had to mourn them... In our hearts, WE REMEMBER...  <3

Your card today revealed itself from the 'Gateway' oracle card deck, authored by Denise Linn.  Your card is 'Revealing Radiance', and Denise's message for the card is this:
"My light illuminates the world...
CARD MEANING:  There is a luminosity within you that's expanding.  It illuminates others and brings light to the darkness.  Your radiance also acts as a sacred beacon that calls the bounty and support of the Universe to you. 
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW:  Even if you've been feeling lackluster lately, know that there's a vibrant, shimmering light radiating within you.  Take time to be still and welcome the light revealing itself to you.  Own your radiance, and the rays will expand into the farthest reaches of time and space.  When you shine brightly from your heart, the bounty of the Universe showers you with blessings. You are the light.
QUESTIONS TO ASK:  How can I shine even more brightly?  Who helps me shine, and who dims my light?  What do I need to clear out of my life so I can shine even brighter?"

My message for you today is this:
This is an 11/11 day, numeroligically (11th day of the 11th month), and thereby is an energetic portal to the 'higher self'---it is no 'accident' that this is the date that is designated as Remembrance Day, as on an 11/11 day we often look to deeper meaning and the underlying lessons in moving forward in a positive way. 
Add to this the current prevailing cosmic influences---including the Super Full Moon, upcoming---and we are in a time wherein we are being literally urged to embrace our unique radiance (Divine inner spark) and gifts.  Know that you are on the right path.  Doors are opening for you in ways that you may not have attention!  Spend some time today in simply contemplating how you could see yourself 'doing good in the world'. This is a perfect day for that!  And then relax into 'what that looks like'.  Understand that it is not only the 'grand acts' (such as the acts of heroism that we are honouring and remembering on this Remembrance Day) that can impact the life of another.  Simply revealing your radiance through the 'simple' act of smiling at a stranger; or allowing a mom and her toddler to precede you in the check-out line; or giving an encouraging word to someone who is struggling with something; etc. etc. etc.  There are a MULTITUDE of ways in which to reveal the Light within you!  What is truly wonderful is that when you reveal your radiance, it expands and grows within you, also!  How beautiful is that?  
Opportunities to reveal your radiance will abound for you both large and small ways.  Be aware and be proactive in sharing your Light whenever the opportunity presents!
Know that you are in an energetic portal of authentic self-expression of the highest vibration.
This is no day to 'play shy'---own your own brilliance, as an expression of the Divine within you!  If we are to truly honour the courage and sacrifice of others to give us our freedom, then we must thereby be brave and show courage in being all that we came here to be! 
Blessed be...

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