Friday, April 29, 2016


This is your card reading for Friday, April 29th/16.  Your card today glided out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'Yin', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  The feminine principle of receptivity; letting someone else make the first move; gathering information and taking cues; the art of conscious allowing.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  This is a time of calculated receptivity as you gracefully await what is coming to you ready to accept it when it appears.  Yin does not involve frozen dreams or even resting, but rather consciously allowing things to flow to you, poised to receive the bounty that will be made available to you.  It implies sensitivity as you alertly study the actions of others and contemplate how they will affect you and yours. Remember, you must make space for miracles to appear.  Be the 'shaped', not the 'shaper', and you'll see how quickly your dreams manifest.
PROTECTION MESSAGE:  Do you have trouble receiving? You stop the flow of abundance when you continually insist upon being the giver.  You can't always lead, always give, always teach. You must be the student; the open vessel; and the one who receives the gift, gesture, or offer in equal measure. Open up and let love, life, abundance, and Spirit fill you, without demand or expectation.  Just receive the bounty that is yours."

My message for you today is this:
The Chinese philosophy of YinYang (being viewed as feminine and masculine, respectively) shares that both aspects are necessary and complimentary to one another in achieving balance and harmony in your life. While sometimes presented as 'opposite' to one another, Yin and Yang actually compliment one another and flow back and forth to one another, when in balance and harmony...which is why they are pictured affixed together in the symbol that represents YinYang.
Many Lightworkers struggle with the Yin (receiving) aspect, and are therefore often 'out of harmony' in their lives.  'Giving' comes easily and naturally to Lightworkers; whereas 'receiving' can be mistakenly determined as 'selfishness'. Nothing is farther from the truth! Think of it this way, beautiful could you EFFECTIVELY be in service to others if your own needs are not met?  The popular analogy for this is: 'You can't offer another a drink from an empty cup'.  You have more to offer when your own cup is full.
Your card today is another way of sharing the message shared when the Universal Law of Allowing presented for you earlier this week.  To be in a state of 'allowing' and in a state of 'receptivity' does not imply that action may not be necessary.  It means to recognize what is being brought to you and to then fully acknowledge and embrace it, and know that you are WORTHY of it!  
Allow yourself to be an open receptacle to all that is being shared with you, in the knowing that in doing so, you honour the Divine.  Have you ever contemplated the thought that it takes graciousness and generosity of spirit to RECEIVE?  It is actively receive what is lovingly offered you is an act of benevolence...a loving act.   Embrace the flow of Yin in order to bring balance into your life.
Blessed be...

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