Monday, October 19, 2015

The Universal Law of Cause and Effect

So happy to be back to posting your daily card readings here!  Our motorcycle trip was amazing, but I sincerely love doing these readings for is a heart-centered act of service for me for sure, and I appreciate what Spirit brings forward for us!
This is your card reading for Monday, October 19th/15.  Your card dropped out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' card deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Cause and Effect', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Cause and Effect states that nothing happens by chance because every effect has its cause.  Your thoughts and feelings have effects, your actions and inactions produce effects, and your choices and reactions cause effects.  The nature of the thought and action you generate matches exactly the nature of the effect you cause.  If you cause 40% happiness and 60% disharmony in your life, this is exactly what the Universe returns to you. The natural process of cause and effect is generally experienced with a time delay: cause takes time to unfold into effect.  This process can be sped up by aligning all aspects of your being---your thoughts, feelings, and actions.  The more aligned you are in your full being, the faster your results will manifest into form.  You can use the wisdom of this law to produce the results you want to experience in your life.  When you know what it is you want to create, discover what will cause the effect you desire.  What thoughts would you need to be thinking?  What feelings would you need to be generating?  What actions would you take? What attitude would you hold?  When you understand what is needed to bring about the  results you desire, all that remains is to think, feel, and act accordingly.  This card is telling you that you have the power to cause the results you desire."

My message for you today is this:
The first thing I need to say is that the message today is NOT intended to drop you into some level of self-criticism for whatever your life circumstances may be or may have been in the past!  This is meant to be an EMPOWERING message that inspires you to step out of any perceived victimhood in any area of your life experience.  Shift your perspective from that of 'life happening TO you', to that of being a 'conscious co-creator' of your life!  You DO have that choice!  Step out of any 'woe is me' attitude into 'what action can I take to shift things for myself?'  You have the power!  As Glinda, the Good Witch, says to Dorothy in 'The Wizard of Oz', "You've always had the power".  Yet, just as Dorothy, sometimes you have to go through certain life experiences before you consciously realize it. Once you DO realize it, you can strive to be a conscious co-creator of your life experience.  And then, when life presents you with unforeseen circumstances, you can choose to take conscious action, rather than to be simply reactionary...can you feel the difference?  
THAT is the underlying energy of the Universal Law of Cause and Effect:  taking responsibility for your own life.  Empowering yourself.  Honoring yourself. 
This great shift that we have been in is supporting us in this!  We are being inspired to live our lives from a Soulful place and from an authentic place; rather than to simply conform to the social conventions of the masses.  We are being urged to develop our own individual connection to the Divine, rather than have another dictate to us how we must be in relationship with the sacred part of ourselves.  As was shared in the author's message above, the most effective means of employing the Law of Cause and Effect is through the symphony of your thoughts/feelings/actions.  If you simply have a thought that is not fuelled by your emotions and then taking conscious action, the thought remains dormant.  
You are being reminded today that you CAN orchestrate certain aspects of your life are maturing spiritually!  Celebrate all that has led you to this place and time and utilize the Universal Laws and current energies that support you in moving forward.
Blessed be...   

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