Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sedna ~ Infinite Supply

This is your card reading for Wednesday, June 3rd/15.  Your card today dropped out of 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Sedna ~ Infinite Supply', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You are supplied for today and all of your tomorrows...
MESSAGE FROM SEDNA:  This is an abundant Universe, filled with more than enough for everyone.  Yet, the energy format of this planet is about polarities.  In this instance, it's about giving and receiving.  The key is to balance the two.  If you only give, you'll feel drained, resentful, and experience lack.  If you only receive, you won't enjoy what you have. Balance comes from fearlessly giving as you're guided, and then receiving with joy and gratitude.  It's exactly like breathing:  Both the inhale and exhale are identically important. Practise giving and receiving daily, and you'll never want for anything.
ABOUT SEDNA (pronounced SED-nuh):  She's the Inuit Eskimo and Alaskan goddess of the sea who provides sustenance for the body and the soul...Sedna is intimately connected with the ocean's inhabitants.  Call upon her for plentiful supplies, especially for your family. Sedna can also help you with any ocean-related ventures, including interacting with whales and dolphins.  She's very appreciative of those who give time, money, or efforts to protect the sea and its creatures."

My message for you today is this:
We continue to resonate in the energy of last evenings Full Moon, in which you were asked to release old patterns---particularly in regards to communication--- which may have been holding you back.  Today, you are being assisted by the goddess Sedna, in taking that to the next level.  When we speak of INFINITE SUPPLY, this is in regards to all aspects of your physical experience here on Earth.  We are absolutely, as a collective, shifting away from the old paradigm of competition/lack and scarcity to the new paradigm of cooperation/abundance enough for All.  Look to Sedna to support you in the knowing that all that you need is made available to you by the abundant Universe.  Once you surrender into this knowing, you may be amazed by exactly how your needs are met!  This is NOT to imply that you merely sit on your couch, waiting for the Universe to drop all that you need into your lap!  Your initiative is a key component, but so is your TRUST and BELIEF that your needs will be met!  Today's cosmic energy is conducive to taking the action steps that will bring in the abundance that you have been seeking.  Perhaps there is a project that you have been working on that just seems to have 'stalled'.  Perhaps there is a friendship that seemed to have 'fallen by the wayside' that you wish to renew.  Perhaps you had been debating about taking a course of study.  Perhaps someone has asked something of you that you feel reluctant to agree to.  Today is the day to take positive action steps in rectifying whatever it is in regards to balancing the giving/receiving aspect of your life that is currently out of balance. Your Soul will guide you, if you pay attention.  Ask Sedna then, to assist you with drawing on the infinite supply of the Universe in supporting you as you need.  Step out of the belief that you are lacking and into the belief that you have access to all that you need!
I love Sedna's reference to the inhale/exhale of the breath---a perfect analogy to how natural and necessary balance in giving and receiving needs to be.  Just as it is natural to breathe, make it a 'natural' part of you to understand that there is an infinite supply being offered by the Universe...
Blessed be...

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