Friday, April 10, 2015


This is your card reading for Friday, April 10th/15.  Your card is from the 'Return to Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Divinity' and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are a beautiful, wise, and loving soul who has braved the perils and difficulty of incarnation to be here on Earth and in service to humanity.  You uplift the energy and consciousness of others through the work that you do, whether you are aware of it or not. There are billions of souls residing on the planet at this time, yet only a small number of them are here to help humanity evolve to its fullest potential---and you are one of those souls.  Who you are, is a gift to this world.  Even at the best of times it can be difficult to remember this; especially when being human feels so real.
Your connection to Spirit is much stronger than you think.  You are a living, breathing channel of the Divine.  It moves through you in all that you do.  It flows through the words that you speak, even when you don't intend it to.  In every situation, you are a transmitter of the higher cosmic energies and wisdom.
It is those who have the greatest gifts who most often face the biggest challenges in life. Hold your head up and keep your faith.  These challenges are the means to seeing and understanding the strength, wisdom, and compassion you hold within yourself.  On a higher level, your soul chose to have a direct experience of the trials you have faced.  Through each event, you have become better equipped and skilled, so that you in turn could help others.
You are a very special soul, with an important part to play in the healing and betterment of the people of this planet.  You are born to be in service to humanity through the Divine gifts and knowledge you have carried with you into this lifetime.  You are here to ignite the Light in others, to realize their own Divinity."

My message for you today is this:
This is such a PERFECT card to present for you to close out this week!  
As I was typing Cheryl Lee's message for you, this verse from an Alanis Morissette song kept playing in my head: "What if God was one of us?  Just a slob like one of us, Just a stranger on the bus, Trying to make His way home..."   I would venture a guess that when you read Cheryl Lee's message for this card, you were thinking, 'But HOW do I play an important role in the healing and betterment of the people of this planet'?  Why ME? Well...why NOT you?  Often times we assume that we must hold some sort of formal position, such as a spiritual leader; or a professional healer; or a famed public speaker and motivator; in order to affect change or influence our environment, and thereby, the World. Not true!  I am thinking of a dear friend who has been a wife and mother all of her adult life. She has not held any 'illustrious positions', in terms of 'employment', yet I have witnessed the difference that she has made in the lives of those around her!  She is a very positive person and has a joy and enthusiasm for life and it's experiences---'kindness' is her religion, just as the Dalai Lama has expressed it as his.  I call her a 'gracious communicator'!  She has also been an excellent role model in how to deal with profound grief, following the tragic loss of her granddaughter.  She absolutely influences those who have the great good fortune to cross her path---I doubt that she would describe herself as having been a role model for others, but others see it.  The point is, due to the 'ripple effect', you often never fully appreciate the effect that you have upon others.
Alanis Morissette expresses in her song, that we should not hold preconceived notions about just HOW the Divine will be expressed in our humanness.  We ALL hold a Divine spark within us...yet some Souls have made the commitment to elevate the planet and to serve as a conduit for Divine expression.  Please know that YOU are one of those Souls because the Universe has conspired to have you read this message today!  You DO NOT have to have lived a 'perfect' life, to be an expression of the Divine---quite the opposite is often true!  It is those who have fully experienced this physical experience who can best hold compassion, rather than judgment, for others as they navigate their lives.  What a beautiful orchestration by the Divine that Alanis wrote the song, 'What if God was one of us', so many years ago, and now she is one of the key-note speakers at large spiritual events such as the 'Celebrate Your Life' conferences.  I am sure that if you had suggested that possibility to Alanis at the time that she wrote the song, she would not have envisioned THAT for herself!  
Open yourself up as a conduit for the Divine to be expressed in the World.  Allow the Divine to implement you and your unique talents and abilities in that expression. Do not waste any time in comparing yourself to others. Simply reside in the knowing that you are meant to shine your Light in your own way.  We all have our own role to play. The best way to do this is by honouring who YOU are, and in also striving to recognize the Divinity in others...even when it is not apparent on the 'outside'.  Another song that came to mind, for your message today is the one by the group, Emerson Drive, titled 'Moments'.  In this song, a young man is headed to a city bridge with the intention to end his life, when a homeless man living in a cardboard box under the bridge recognizes in the young man, his desperation.  This homeless man intervenes by simply standing in silence with the man...
This is an excerpt from the song that illustrates that 'angels' come in all forms here on Earth:
"...I know somewhere 'round that trashcan fire tonight
That old man tells his story one more time
He says
I've had my moments, days in the sun
Moments I was second to none
Moments when I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do
Like that cool night on the E. Street Bridge
When a young man almost ended it
I was right there, wasn't scared a bit
And I helped to pull him through
Lookin' at me now you might not know it
But I've had my moments".
I KNOW that you have also had your moments...both in acting as an Earth Angel for another and in having had the grace of having had an Earth Angel assist and support you in your time of need.  How then can we do anything other than to have faith in Divinity in all of it's expressions?
Blessed be...

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