Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Admit Your True Feelings to Yourself

This is your daily card reading for Wednesday, August 13th/14.  Your card today floated out of the 'Magical Messages from the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Admit Your True Feelings to Yourself' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Be honest with yourself.  Only you know what it is that you truly desire...
This card indicates that you've been concealing something from yourself.  What is it?  Your emotions are true and accurate, and they're trying to get your attention.  Right now, admit your deepest feelings to yourself.  Know that it's safe for you to engage in this self-honesty. Your genuine feelings form the compass that points you in the best direction and guides you to the answers you seek.  Trust that any changes you make will come about in harmonious ways.  You'll be glad that you admitted your true feelings to yourself!
Additional meanings to the card:
*Allow people to get to know the real you.*Retain your integrity by following the path that you know is right for you.*Be yourself.*Face your fears head-on.*

My message for you today is this:
Whoa!!!  As I was typing the message from Doreen for the card, the messages that the Fairies were giving to me to deliver for you were coming full force!!!  Rapid fire!!!  They are INTENT upon getting their message to you today!
The first thing that the Fairies brought up in relation to today's card is the Marianne Williamson quote, 'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.'   Stepping into our own Power denotes taking responsibility for our unique abilities and also making ourselves vulnerable to scrutiny and judgment.  All of this can be daunting, because our greatest talents and abilities are Divinely given and are therefore close to our hearts.  It takes courage to express our TRUE selves out into the World---especially because society had been conditioning us that to have confidence and faith in our AWESOMENESS implies conceit, arrogance and self-absorption.  We are taught to 'make ourselves small'---to be self-deprecating---and therefore it feels uncomfortable, and even scary, to fully express our talents and abilities openly.  The Fairies are adamant in reminding you today that your unique gifts, talents and abilities are Divinely granted and that you were given them for a reason!  It is all about INTENTION. When you shine your Light, as only YOU can, with the intention that doing so will benefit others (as well as yourself!) and will illuminate the World, how can that be anything but loving?  Still...exposing your TRUE self in this way takes courage, and the Fairies acknowledge that.
Today, the Fairies ask you to take the first step, which is to admit to yourself an area of your life where you have been 'wearing a mask' and have not been your authentic self.  Spend some quiet time in Nature, where the Fairies reside, and they will support you in removing the mask---if only for yourself---at this time.  No self-judgment here!  Perhaps this mask has served you in the past, but it is now time to remove it.  There is some aspect of yourself that you are meant to acknowledge that will then allow you to move forward in shining your Light.
Allow your emotions to flow without attempting to stifle or stuff not judge or edit what comes forward...observe the emotions that arise and learn from them.  The Fairies will support you through this also.  Do not make this complicated!  Simply commit to sitting quietly (in Nature, if it is possible); ask the Fairies to be with you and to assist you in removing (for your greater good) a mask that you have been wearing that no longer serves you; allow any emotions to come up freely and without judgment; observe these emotions and what they are trying to tell you about the situation; know that you are safe and supported by the healing, supportive energy of the Fairies and Nature Elementals; be open to the guidance that Spirit provides you in the near future, as to how to move forward without the mask (meaning residing in your TRUE feelings about whatever came up for you).  
We are moving into a time when it is so important that we have the courage to shine our Light upon the World, as individuals, as well as a collective!  Shine on!
Blessed be...

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