Thursday, May 29, 2014

What do you desire?

This is your daily card reading for Thursday, May 29th/14, and is shared in honouring Maya Angelou, who passed May 28th at the age of 86.
Your card was drawn from the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card today is the 'What do you desire?' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You now have the opportunity to write the script according to your heart's desires.  Once you clearly decide upon your true desires and know that you're ready and deserving of them, they'll rush into your life as if by magic."

My message for you today is this:
We are still in the energy of last nights New Moon, and I see New Moon energy as manifestation energy.  How will you utilize this beautiful, supportive energy to assist you in pulling into your life your greatest desires?  You first need clarity about what it is you truly desire---you may believe that you've already done that, but WHAT have you been FOCUSING your attention upon?  Have you been focusing upon your desired outcome, or the LACK of it in your life?  Do you see the difference energetically?  Place your attention upon your desired outcome and you get CLEAR about it, allow yourself to FEEL as if it is already present in your world.  Embrace these feelings, knowing with all of your heart that you are entirely WORTHY, for to do so triggers the Universe to bring your desired outcome to you in ways that you could not even imagine!  So...get CLEAR about what you desire; FOCUS upon your desired outcome, not the lack of it in your life at the present time; reside in the FEELINGS of having acquired your desired outcome; understand that you are entirely WORTHY of all that you desire and that the Universe is abundant, with more than enough for all; take the guided ACTION STEPS that the Universe presents to you in the form of people and situations that come into your life synchronistically.  Incorporate the current New Moon energy to support your self-empowered pursuit of manifesting what you desire.  
Be the author of your own life!  I'm sure that you have heard of the author, teacher, mentor, singer/dancer/performer, activist, philosophist, etc...Maya Angelou's passing on May28th, at the age of 86.  Although Maya's life was definitely not without its challenges, she is a shining example of how to be the author of your own life, as she consciously drew specific experiences into her life, seemingly effortlessly (and yet, often against the societal standards or moraes of the time). She ostensibly moved through life with such ease and grace.  Yet, if you read many of her famous quotes, or watch and listen to some of her most recent interviews, most especially the one on Super Soul Sunday, with Oprah, you understand that Maya CONSCIOUSLY scripted her life in the ways that she was able, and that she advocated for and believed in herself, even when others did not. Her life is a consummate example of having lived the formula of manifestation that you have been given above.  If a young black woman, born 86 years ago into a less than 'accommodating' environment could dream and accomplish all that she did, what holds you back? Be the author of your own life!
Thank you for the legacy, Maya!
Blessed be...

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